Friday, November 13, 2009

Analyzing This Weeks North-South Korean Naval Fight

South & North Korean Naval Clash in 1999

From New Wars:

Some South Korean military experts have reached conclusions on the recent clash between North and South Korean boats that don’t exactly agree with the facts. The article “How S.Korea Beat Back N.Korean Gunboat” is from

Arms experts and military officers say it was technological superiority that allowed South Korea to send a North Korean patrol boat scuttling back trailing a cloud of smoke across the Northern Limit Line after an incursion Monday.

Read more ....

My Comment: An excellent analysis of what can be learned from this weeks naval clash between North and South Korean gunboats. A must read.

Update: I am lucky to have an excellent contact in the Korean Government. He confirms what New Wars observed from this naval clash .... South Korean firepower pulverized (to a point) the North Korean naval boat .... the North Koreans were outgunned and out matched in every way, and they were able to get away for the simple reason that the South Koreans permitted them to flee.

As to the 4:1 ratio of North Korean naval boats to South Korean, my contact tells me that most of North Korea's boats are useless. Lack of spare parts, fuel, limited training, etc .... from his viewpoint the North Koreans would be lucky if they could muster out a small percentage of their fleet .... and what would be put to sea will not be adequate to confront the South Korean ships.


Mike Burleson said...

Thats very interesting information. Thanks!

Solomon said...

Nicely done. Does your contact have a motive for the clash or are the S. Koreans not willing to go that far.