Friday, September 30, 2011

Marine Corps Getting F-22s?

Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor (Source: Lockheed Martin)

F-22s For The Marine Corps? -- DoD Buzz

Yes, you read it correctly, Marines flying F-22s. One Marine is making the case for just that.

Writing in this month’s Marine Corps Gazette, Maj. Chrisopher Cannon, argues that it’s time the Corps begins looking at a plan B for the short take-off and vertical landing B-model– which has suffered numerous cost and schedule delays and was placed on a two year probation by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates last spring. Keep in mind that the plane is making considerable flight test progress and that just yesterday, the Marines’ top aviation officer reiterated the Corps long-held stance that there is no plan B for the Bravo.

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My Comment: The Marine Corps is dreaming.

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