Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Russia's Top General Concedes That Iran And North Korea Could Be Nuclear Threats

Nikolai Makarov. © RIA Novosti. Alexey Druzhinin

Russian Military Concedes Iran, N. Korea Nuclear Threat -- RIA Novosti

Russia's military leadership has for the first time acknowledged a nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea.

“The threat is always there, so we closely monitor the nuclear program developments of many countries," Army General Nikolai Makarov, the chief of the General Staff, told RT television.

"The analysis that we conducted together with the Americans confirms that, yes, there is a probability that the threat exists. And we agreed that it is necessary to create a missile defense system,” Makarov said.

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My Comment: This is a shocking remark from Russia's top General. In short .... he is conceding that critics of the Iranian and North Korean nuclear program are justified .... that both countries are committed to develop nuclear weapons.

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