Monday, June 29, 2015

President Obama's Iran Nuclear Nightmare

Arthur Browne, US News and World Report: The Iran Nightmare

President Obama's judgment this week will determine how easily Iran can get a nuclear weapon.

This is the week President Barack Obama is scheduled to make a go or no-go call on the most fateful international agreement of his presidency. His judgment will determine how easily Iran can acquire a nuclear weapon.

It is crucial to understand that Obama is not pressing Iran to abandon the covert and illegal atomic program by which the mullahs plan to dominate the region.

The president long ago conceded to the Iranians that he wanted only to contain their ambitions for a period of time -- and offered to pay a recklessly dangerous price to get them to promise even that much.

WNU Editor: The remarkable thing about this is that the Nobel Peace Prize committee gave President Obama a Nobel Prize based on his efforts to stop nuclear proliferation.

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

So the US finally ran into a country the senior management of which cannot be bought. They learned the lesson of the pitfalls of dealing with the US from the past and I expect from watching other countries fall victim.