Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Turkey Violated Greek Airspace 2,244 Times Last Year

Daily Caller: Turkey Violated Greek Airspace 2,244 Times Last Year, Fires At Russia For Doing It Once

Turkey shot down a Russian warplane for violating its airspace Tuesday, but the Turkish air force does the exact same thing several times a day in Greece.

Turkey was quick to defend its action by stating it issued 10 warnings over the course of five minutes before firing on the plane.

“The data we have is very clear. There were two planes approaching our border, we warned them as they were getting too close,” a senior Turkish official told Reuters. “Our findings show clearly that Turkish air space was violated multiple times. And they violated it knowingly.”

WNU Editor: I forgot about Greece's complaints on Turkey violating their airspace .... Greeck - Turkish Tensions Return Over Their Border Disputes.


RRH said...

I wonder what happened here?

War News Updates Editor said...

Just reading it also RRH. The wire services are only giving headlines, but it looks like multiple explosions have just occurred in Ankara.

RRH said...

A good one from Escobar today as well.