Monday, September 12, 2016

Report: The Estimated Cost of America's Post-9/11 Wars

Uri Friedman, The Atlantic: Fighting Terrorism With a Credit Card

Interest payments on America’s war debt could one day exceed the direct costs of combat itself.

If a war costs trillions of dollars, and no one pays for it, what is its true cost? Since the 9/11 attacks, America has poured $3.2 trillion into its wars, according to a new study from Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. The estimate includes what the U.S. government has spent or pledged to spend through 2016 on homeland security, medical and disability care for wounded veterans, and the military and diplomatic campaigns against terrorism in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Syria.

When you factor in the interest America owes on the money it has borrowed to finance these wars, the number rises to almost $3.7 trillion. When you add in likely expenses for 2017 and spending obligations to veterans over the next four decades, the total increases to nearly $4.8 trillion.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: $3.7 trillion to $4.8 trillion .... and counting. Makes you want to puke.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is a cost to not waging war.

It is a cost benefit analysis.

Do you pay tribute to the Huns or do wage war in order not pay tribute.
If do the latter, you had better have your ducks in line.

What would be the cost of merely slapping sanctions on the Taliban for not turning Osama bin Laden over?

Is it a given that Osama could have been assassinated if we had not invaded?

If Osama had been assassinated,, after a few or several years, would that have deterred or encourage recruitment and action?

There is a cost of fighting wars a certain way.

There is a cost of fighting by Marquess of Queensberry Rules or Potter Barn Rules.

The U.S. violated Sun Tzu's laws

"The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler"

There was no way the Moral law was going to satisfied. Between the natural divide that would have existed with or without the USSR, the KGB did their work well.

Part of the reason the U.S. had as much accord as it did was that were allies of Stalin and so diehard leftists did not cause as much or cause a ruckus.

An example of the work of the KGB is the number of politicians, academic and journalist who do want names published of those in Danish society who were fellow travelers. 25 years later and they still do not want the record released of what Danish counter-intelligence knows.

Getting back to the US., how were we going to win, when we had the infection of the SDS?