Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Islamic State Has Been Oddly Quiet About President Trump

Washington Post: The Islamic State has been oddly quiet about Trump

President Trump has had a lot to say about the Islamic State, vowing during his inauguration speech to eradicate the terrorist group and calling its fighters “sneaky, dirty rats” during an interview this week. But the Islamic State has been oddly quiet about Trump.

The militant organization, which is known for flooding social media with elaborately produced messages and videos, has only made a few, fleeting references so far to a president whose anti-Muslim rhetoric and policies would seem to represent a propaganda boon to Islamist groups.

An Islamic State video released last month includes footage of Trump ducking and being pulled away from a podium in response to an unseen threat, images selected to show the president in a cowering pose. Another includes Trump in a larger collection of images of world leaders.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The experts (who have always been wrong when it comes to Trump) .... and who have been consistently wrong on the Islamic State .... are now saying that this quiet period from the Islamic State will end .... Experts Warn President Trump’s Refugee Ban Could Backfire: ISIS 'Rubbing Their Hands With Glee' (Time). Truth be told .... no one has a clue on what is happening right now within the Islamic State when it comes to Trump .... all that we do know is that they are in a life and death struggle fighting a war that is intensifying, and that President Trump is not on the top of their priority list .... even when he calls them dirty sneaky rats (see above video).


Jay Farquharson said...

ISIS is going to stay quiet on Trump,

After all, he's checking off things one by one on their wish list, and it's only been a week.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's because they're realizing the worlds strongest nation is waking up finally and their jihad days are numbered..

Jay Farquharson said...


Unknown said...

ISIS is getting their ass handed to them in Mosul and Syria.

After Aleppo, Hezbollah, the SA, Iran will rest and 're-cup' and then launch their next offensive(s).

There are only 2 places that ISIS / Al Qaeda are really safe, Yemen near Oman and the tribal lands of Pakistan ( thank you Pakistan ).

The easiest way to defeat ISIS/Al Qaeda in Pakistan is to turnover Afghanistan to Russia and China. There will be no Associated Prostitute (AP) reporting of what follows. Pakistan will acquiesce or participate in the destruction of their Al Qaeda proxies. Pakistani IS will be bored without proxies to mess with.

Hand over Afghanistan to China & Russia and Yemen will be Al Qaeda's Alamut.