Wednesday, June 20, 2018

After Launching Laser Attacks Against U.S. Air Forces In Djibouti, Chinese Nationals Are Now Starting To Do The Same Thing In The Pacific

Popular Mechanics: Laser Attacks Against U.S. Forces Spread to the Pacific

The laser strikes follow reported incidents in Djibouti by Chinese military personnel.

Laser attacks against U.S. forces have spread out of Africa into the Pacific. U.S. personnel operating in the East China Sea area have been the victim of blinding laser attacks similar to those that took place earlier this year in Djibouti. The attacks, conducted with nonlethal lasers were reportedly carried out by Chinese nationals.

Earlier this year the Pentagon issued a NOTAM, or “Notice to Airmen” warning U.S. pilots of “unauthorized laser activity” resulting in injury to an unspecified number of U.S. personnel in the skies over Djibouti. The lasers originated on or very near China’s first overseas military base, just 8.3 miles from the American base, and according to U.S. officials, Chinese nationals were involved. The U.S. issued a formal complaint to China, which denied the accusations.

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WNU Editor: If this continues an accident is just waiting to happen.


Anonymous said...

It seems like Chinese don't follow any laws and don't care about your life. Why do we accept this?

Anonymous said...

Let's just have the war. .I'm sick and tired of them stealing harassing bullying torturing and imprisoning everyone who speaks out against the Chinese party. The war is unavoidable unless they change which they don't so let's just get it over with. Happy to sign up

jac said...

I think the International Law allow us to have the right of "pursuit". Why we don't use it? Dictators understand only one thing: strength, because that's their own language.

Anonymous said...

I really think we should have a war with China. Otherwise their population will never learn about what their politicians are doing worldwide. Let's have the war and see how much they really want to fight us. Because all they do is exploit loopholes,do cyber theft and espionage. They pretty much just want us alive only to buy their shit and so they can stall from us. Let's just see if they have the balls to be called out on. Will they go to war over their thievery or admit wrong doing? I rather have the war to be honest rather than this disrespect

Anonymous said...

And yes, I would enlist. First draft. Happy to fight China than this thievery and then listening to them how ancient their civilisation is. Please. Shut the f up already. You're just thieves in cheap suits

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

In a way it’s the same as the school bully, he’d pic on you and each day would become worse until you finally snap and do something about it. Or you try and coward or hide each day. Thanks Obama. But Trump is no punk and won’t take shit from anyone. MAGA👍

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I don't know any country as disrespectful as China. The thievery I could even cope with. But the lies, the deceit, the bullying of their neighbours. ..their totalitarian tendencies. ..the gross human right violations. .sterilisation. .resettlement. .HK book dealers abducted. ..the arming of North Korea. ..threatening of War to Vietnam and the US (remember, China armed north Korea with the mobile nuke launchers and in the same moment told the US not to take these out despite threats north Korea made or there will be war)

In short. .we are already at war with China. They do not respect us. They have been stealing from us for decades (industrial and defense espionage must run in the single digit trillions by now), on top the trade deficit, the bullying of fishermen, militarization of south China Sea, poisoning of fishing grounds, destroying of coral reefs. is China not the biggest threat to humanity and democracy right now?

Bob Huntley said...

Excerpts from "Conversations From Inmates of the Insane Asylum".

Anonymous said...

Sure, Bob. Put your head in the sand and pretend there's no massive problem. This is WW3 stuff and you keep telling yourself China is a normal state