Friday, October 19, 2018

Huge Crowd Of President Trump Supporters Show Up To a Rally In Montana

WNU Editor: The main stream media is ignoring this news story, but every place that President Trump shows up attracts massive crowds. I do not live in the U.S. and I could be wrong, but my gut is telling me that all of this coverage and talk of a "blue-wave victory" for the Democrats is not true.


fred said...

Dear editor:
reports of Trump rallies are always on tv news...Trump nearly always rallies for true believers and of late has avoided contested states. Gut feelings are just that. Let us wait then for FACTS, ie, the elections...
meanwhile: Justice Dept. charges Russian woman with interference in midterm elections - The Washington Post

This marks the first criminal case prosecutors have brought against a foreign national for interference in the upcoming midterm elections.

Anonymous said...

I truly hope that Democrats lose big this midterm election - and I say that as having voted Democrat my entire life. But what I've seen happening with Kavanaugh,the FBI&DOJ, the resistance movement and the mobs on the left makes me vote republican this time for first time in my life. We just cannot let mobs scream "I believe her", and ignore facts and absence of evidence. On top all the talking heads like Brennan make me throw up on my mouth. And then there's the low intellect CNN and MSNBC who have nothing to offer. Watching Fox now instead - wouldn't have believed it if you told me 3 years ago. But that's what happens if you have Clintons, maxine waters, pocahontas warren and Feinstein. I have to say, the women on the left with theirhysteria and lack of rationale and ironically outright sexism have destroyed this party

fred said...

In addition to a rally or two held by Pres. Trump, there is also this for the day's news about Trump

fred said...

Dear former Democrat:
you may remain anonymous but your boilerplate comments remain the same, always. Having said that, your demeaning, like Trump's, of women will come back to haunt you soon. We have, fortunately, come a long way since women have the right to vote, Anita Hill, and now Kavanaugh...and a wave of women are now engaging in politics because of chauvinistic contempt displayed in your comment. Go forth, then, and find peace, happiness and dream fulfillment among those you so admire.

Anonymous said...

No one clicks on your links. Haven't you noticed? People are no longer buying what you're selling. It's over. This modterm we'll vote you out forever. No more phonies and outrage activists! Time to make America great again. For all races and all genders. But we will not give in to leftie mobs and lies

Anonymous said...

18 days. You'll see

Stephen Davenport said...

People like Fred still cannot understand why Trump won and continues to

Anonymous said...

Stephen - my thoughts exactly. He keeps watching CNN and keeps buying their narrative. He will be surprised how many of us -hate- what has become of Democrats. I truly have voted my entire life Democrats into office, including Clinton and Obama both twice. But, I have the guts to admit that I was wrong on Obama, and have my doubts about Bill too. Too much has come to light, and I wish Obama - while he was no drama - would have been a stronger leader. I prefer a strong leader, even if he makes extensive use of freedom of speech (to put it mildly). to a weak leader who gets very little done. Trump won me over with his stance on China. Trump won me over with fighting hard against all the obstacles put in his way. The election was manipulated alright, but by the Clinton machinery. By Wasserman Schultz. By the DNC. I remember what they did to Bernie - while I would have never voted for him, I appreciated his spirit (he never could answer how to pay for all he wanted, but at least he fought hard.. and when the DNC passed on town hall questions and Hillary went along with using a prepared answer, and not admitting she completely showed the finger to the election process, then I knew it was over. The email server was the cherry on top. Having worked in security areas myself, I found it unbelievable what she got away with. That's not Fox news "lock her up" talking, that's reality. And when I watch CNN today, I almost cry what has become of this network I truly used to enjoy. All outrage activism, with Don Lemon perhaps being the worst. And when Donna Brazile (a CNN paid talking head) was caught passing on the townhall questions to Clinton, and still didn't end up in jail I knew the gig was up.. the democratic party is corrupt, so corrupt, and I start to wonder who I voted into office so many times.
In short, I respect many things on the left.. but they have gone just waaay overboard with the Russia narrative, as if they do not remember McCarthy era and the mistakes made. Russians are much, much, muuuuch closer to us than the Chinese ever will be - or wanted to be for that matter. So I rather team up with "evil" Putin than with ten times worse China, tbh -- I'm simplifying things, but I hope you appreciate what I am saying. Chinese will never treat caucasians as equal. To them the rest of the world is second class citizens, and what they have to offer, I don't want to buy, and I love Trump for fighting, or at least raising the issues. Obama did nothing on that front. Did nothing on North Korea. Nothing on Iran. and the pivot to Asia while gutting the military was such a strategic blunder it almost made me puke. And the red line. Leading from behind does not work.
Sure, trump is a masagonist. And I'm almost positive he banged that pornstar. But they are adults. And he did it while he was a private citizen. I do not care one bit. Clinton had sex with an intern in the oval office while at work and lied under oath. And we all went along and gave him a pass (I too ignored it way too long). I regret it now. And the result of going along with the left for so long is this absolutely crazy freak show of Maxine Watters and the cry babies and outrage activists who are willing to abandon civil discourse and basic fundamentals of our society and laws. This -has- to stop. We absolutely must stop them. At the ballot box. We'll show the parrots of this country that they will not, cannot shove their narrative down our throats any longer. I prefer a politically incorrect Trump a million times over anything they have to offer.


fred said...

What Donald Trump did Thursday night in Montana is really dangerous [from a tv show that we are told did not report the rally!]
also at this rally: Trump acknowledges Ronny Jackson might not have been qualified to lead VA

and of course Trump says this absurd lie:So the President of the United States is suggesting money is being paid to people traveling in a caravan headed to try to gain entry into the United States for baldly political reasons -- which, I think, he is suggesting are that it will make immigration an issue in the election and that Democrats think they win on that issue

Anonymous said...

I don't care of you're poor or rich. I don't even care about your IQ. Unless you vote Democrats into office. Can you not admit that this party and their actions (resistance, true and proven election meddling, mob mentality, etc) have been so bad for the country? That's all I truly care about, Fred. I truly and sincerely hope you wake up , man.

fred said...

18 Inaccurate Claims From Trump’s Montana Rally

President Trump distorted the facts on NATO military spending, the size of the White House staff and participation in the food stamp program, among other assertions.

Anonymous said...

Democrats always bitch about elections when they do not win.

They complained about chads in 2000 while throwing out the military overseas vote.

So we went to electronic voting the Obamites poo-poo-ed, the Tea Party fears of vote rigging in 2012 before and after the election.

Now, just now the Demoncraps are concerned with electronic voting?

It takes a lot of Hutzpah to be so 2-faced.

Mike Feldhake said...

Ugh, Fred needs a frontal lobotomy. But, frankly I like the Dems; they show us what not to do. Thanks!

I usually don't like adding into the fray on this blog but the Dems have been horrible lately. And I am one who thinks we need a strong second party.


Anonymous said...

Exactly, Michael. This craziness in the democratic party showed me that things can be worse than Trump making crude jokes. Until they vote Maxine Waters and Feinstein out of office, I do not even want to hear -anything- they have to offer. Such a pathetic leadership on the left I haven't seen my entire adult life. Midterms are just 2 weeks away, guys, let's show them that we too have a voice!