Friday, October 19, 2018

Uighur Americans Who Speak Out Against China’s Internment Camps Are Now Learning That Their Relatives In China Are Disappearing

WRAL/New York Times: Uighur Americans Speak Against China’s Internment Camps. Their Relatives Disappear

Speaking last month at a Washington think tank, Rushan Abbas relayed tales of suffering she had heard about China’s repression of ethnic Uighur Muslims — including the detention of members of her husband’s family in a widespread system of mass internment camps.

Within six days, Abbas’ ailing sister and elderly aunt disappeared from their homes in northwest China. No family members or neighbors have heard from them in more than a month.

Abbas is an American citizen and Virginia resident; her sister has two daughters and both live in the United States. They all assume the women are being detained in the camps, which Western analysts estimate hold up to 1 million people.

Abbas said they had fallen victim to the persecution against which she had been campaigning — and because of her.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Can't say that I am surprised. China has a policy that if you do not criticize the government, they will leave you alone. But if you do, be prepared for the consequences. What bothers me is how the Western media and political class are reacting to China's treatment of the Uighurs. A Saudi journalist disappears in a Saudi consulate in Turkey and there are calls for severe economic and political actions against the Saudi government. A million Uighurs are put in labor camps .... and aside from a few news stories, all we hear are crickets from our governments.


Anonymous said...

Wnu exactly. And on Cnn they make that Saudi's disappearance all about trump. Trump this, Trump that. Have they no moral bearing anymore? Do they not see what they do to the nation? Do they have to make everything about Trump? A million people and they perhaps put 30 seconds reporting to it. One journalist and we talk about it 24/7 and make links to Trump. Acosta "this is what happens if you put a demagogue and tyran into office". Excuse me little cry baby, you get to call him all kind of names and increased your salary 3 fold by shouting at him. You're not in prison, your audience is larger than ever. Do you even understand that? Of course you do you outrage activist. Now let's report maybe 45 seconds on the actual largest human rights violator on planet earth. You know, the country that has sweat factories producing your iphone,dear Acosta. That one. Not saying Saudi Arabia isn't a massive human rights violator, they are. But China kills dozens of your spies, steals trillions from you and is about to overtake your economy -at least during the Obama times-and now Trump is calling them out and all you do is criticise him ffs.

fred said...

I hear a lot of talk about China and tariffs and trade imbalances and island building and weapon acquisitions and artificial intelligence. Where then, is there an official govt public statement about the Uighurs?

fred said...

where, please cite, is Trump calling China out on this issue?

fred said...

and if they --ie the administration--calls them out, so what? what specifically is being done now that you blame Obama for not speaking out?

Anonymous said...

You tool. He's calling them out on many more things than Obama. For example on trade. For example on land grab. For example on IP theft. For example on election meddling.
You parrot should take a pay check from Putin and Xi. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference if they hired you to write mindless comments.

fred said...

name calling?
ah, well
Trump is concerned with trade. I refer to the issue here.
Now a few nations under the UN have called out the Chinese, but we quit this organization!

Anonymous said...

Just wake up, parrot. Do this for the nation.

Anonymous said...

Remind me, dear parrot, of all the things Obama has done against china?

Right. That's what I thought.


Anonymous said...

Also, THANK YOU for proving my point and making it all about Trump again, parrot. When will you wake up? Please! Either wake up, or directly work for Russia. Just be honest that you have given up on all objectivity. Trump doesn't do everything you want and you accuse him of xyz.

How has Obama protected your borders? 22million illegal immigrants by now.When will you say it's enough? 50 million? 100 million? You tell me, parrot.

fred said...

yo! chumps: calling me names is plain babyish. Obama was not aware, no one was, of what is NOW taking place. And we do NOT see Trump calling out the Chinese on this specific thing. Check the timeline on when this stuff became known to those outside of Chinese govt! you simply can not dismiss Trump's ignoring the issue by turning to Obama...sure: Obama did nothing either about slavery in the South in 1850...I do not blame him nor Trump for ignoring that! again, simply check timelines and you will stop using O. as your handy scapegoat
I will put it another way: Now that the US knows about it, NOTHING will be done. Sure, we may call them out but the US will do nothing, in the same way that Russia has announced it will do nothing about Saudi least they had the guts to admit openly they will do nothing

fred said...

On Friday, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Rep. Christopher H. Smith, co-chairs of the China commission, plan to introduce a bill that will condemn the Chinese crackdowns in Xinjiang and urge the government to enforce financial sanctions.

Hans Persson said...

fred, you have no right objecting to name calling; I've seen you calling people here "sissy" etc etc. What you just now proved to .me. is that youre a hypocrite.

fred said...

thanks for adding to the discourse
I am old school: an eye for eye, an insult for an insult. stop calling me names and deal with issues and I will do the same...if you can dish it then learn to take it

Hans Persson said...

Heres why youre wrong: You claim your old and wise, but you dont act like it.

You say "oldschool", but to me its just old.

You dont even try to go with good example.
If you cant handle the online discussions you, yourself, bring up: dont discuss.

Name calling, whatever youre doing, excludes you from every serious discussion and even those moral points youre so often try to make.

Making excuses does not help either.

Get your act together stop with the homophobic remarks.

Anonymous said...

Rubio is great on this. Something we can agree on, little parrot

Anonymous said...

Hans,thanks for pointing out his hypocrisy. I've been on this blog for years and remember how Fred called Trump a traitor, putin puppet etc without any evidence. That's what pisses me off about him. Ready to form a lynch mob even before any report is out and after the fbi investigated a year and found nothing before handing it over to Mueller. All this resistance work. I voted for Obama twice (!) So I feel I can criticise him on his weak spots-of which there are many on foreign policy unfortunately. But this constant trump resistance and over the top negativity and distorting of facts on cnn and msnbc and all that mob mentality and outrage acting on the left makes me wonder if I'm now a republican. I just cannot vote for Democrats anymore and I hope I'm not alone. Add the election manipulation (DNC/wsserman schultz and how they passed on townhall questions and how Clinton went along with it all stinks to heaven) that's why I started to like Trump,because the left has gone completely nuts and their lies stink to heavens...and Fred keeps ob repeating their narrative, like a parrot. That's why I call him that. Harmless and fitting, I'd say. He called me much much worse. And then he claims to be the victim. Just like the left. Always playing the victim card. I just hope he wakes up... I'm torn to give up on him, but I hope I'll make him see it after all

fred said...

fret not for me...Though you no longer can vote for Democrats, I am sure you still take what they have given
That you once supported Dems and now, having seen the light, support GOP reminds me of having been married for many years and then getting a divorce. Hope then the new relationship makes for happiness...blessings on thee

Anonymous said...

Wait aren't you the guy who operates a smut website and got divorced twice? Project much? :)) you're too rich Fred. .buy then again your are what you are. A leftie. An eye opener to us all.

Anonymous said...

Now the mind numbed parrot that has a little head knows why people speak anonymously on the internet.

Maybe little head knows, but perhaps little head will forever live in a fog.

Little head is not bright you know.

Anonymous said...

Earth to Fred. Come in Fred

Earth to Fred. Come in Fred

This is earth calling ...

The U.S. has not quit the UN. We quit a few parts of it, but not the whole thing yet.

So what were you yammering about?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Mayflower Sours Edwards, who was part of the resistance is going to jail.

You know she has Trump's tax records. She has everyone else's tax records, why not Trump's?

She has 2 terabytes worth of tax records.

There is nothing to see on Trump or she would have leaked them to Buzzfeed.

Maybe she had everyone's tax records on this forum until the FBI took them away from her?

Mike Feldhake said...

All you guys should read much more work history to understand the Times you live in. Start reading, everything is far more complex then you think.

Anonymous said...

What is so complex about Elizabeth Mayflower Sours Edwards?

She traces her lineage to the Mayflower. She feels entitled to break laws to get the desired result.

I bet she had Trump's tax records.

She did not release them, because there was no there there.

She released everything else.

Funny thing is Lizzy has pedigree, but looks no different than what Democrats claim the trailer park looks like.

Note I did not claim the trailer park was bad. Carville, a Democrat, did.