Monday, February 11, 2019

Dresden Prize Awarded To Kim Phuc 'Napalm Girl' From Harrowing Vietnam War Image

Vietnam war survivor Kim Phuc Phan Thi in front of the photo for which she is known (SKY News)

The Independent: Kim Phuc: 'Napalm Girl' from harrowing Vietnam War image receives German prize for peace work

55-year-old awarded for support of Unesco and children wounded in war

Kim Phuc, known as “Napalm Girl“ in an iconic photo showing her during the Vietnam War, has received an award in Germany for her work for peace.

The 55-year-old, who now lives in Canada, was handed the Dresden Prize for her support of Unesco and children wounded in war, the organisers said.

She was also honoured for speaking out publicly against violence and hatred. She received 10,000 euros (£8,800).

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Update #1: 'Napalm girl’ Kim Phuc receives German prize for peace work (The Guardian/AP)
Update #2: 'Napalm girl' wins Dresden Prize for peace work (SKY News)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

10,000Euros... almost insulting. Hillary Clinton probably gets still 50,000 (OK 40 of those 50k is for leaving early, but still)

But in all earnestness. ..10k.. that's what People who advance humanity get. Claim to be the breaker of glass ceilings (all while being sexist to the extreme yourself but people play along and humble you) and you get 50k even long after your time is up.

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