Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Why Is The Mainstream Media Ignoring The Mass Killings Of Christians Across The Globe?

Zero Hedge: Why Does The Mainstream Media Purposely Ignore Mass Killings Of Christians Across The Globe?

Last week, when a deranged lunatic gunned down dozens of Muslims at two mosques in New Zealand it suddenly became the biggest news story in the world, and rightly so.

It was a major news event, and it needed to be reported. But shouldn’t mass killings of Christians be given the same sort of media coverage? Sadly, we all know that doesn’t happen. Whenever there is a mass killing of Christians, it is usually entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why this is happening. Those that control the mainstream media consider Christians to be one of the main obstacles to “progress” in this country, and so any story that would put Christians in a positive or sympathetic light simply does not fit any of the narratives that they are pushing.

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WNU Editor: My sentiments exactly. In my opinion one of the most under-reported stories of the past decade has been the industrial scale extermination of the Christian population and its culture in the Middle East. And it is a lack of coverage that still continues.


Anonymous said...

So true and I am sick and tired of it.

fazman said...

Ssshhhhhh you can't say that

Anonymous said...

please site the mass killings of Christians, where, when, how many, in the past two to 5 years

Blackdog said...

This reporting is long overdue!

Mike Feldhake said...

Well, since I read news and they don't report it, it's hard to site. But have you forgotten the Coptic christians of Egypt, they have been hit hard since the Arab spring. When ISIS was raging, the Christians in NW Iraq were also hit hard. Lots of killings. Both of these I know of because some news outlets carried the stories, most not!

Hans Persson said...
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Hans Persson said...

I will never forget the story of that poor yazidi girl...

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:11 this has been an ongoing massacre over the past 3 weeks


Anonymous said...

Which one? There are so many now. Like the girl who was sold to a fighter and suffered beatings and rapes for months until she escaped to Germany only to run into the very same man in a market parking lot after he had been given amnesty. These arent isolated occurances either, lots of victims have reported seeing active ISIS members in many "host" countries.

Anonymous said...

Well when people hear Christians are killed they'll think "whites are killed". And that doesn't fit the extremist cnn narrative. Remember : Don lemon (cnn) said on air that white people are the problem. He still has his multi million dollar job. Lefties can do and say whatever they feel and there will always be someone patting them on the back. That a Boy. Good lemon. You show those whities. Don't worry about racism. You're black. You can't be racist. Keep doing it.

Anonymous said...

Don L. I believe was talking mostly about police killing blacks and yes, that is an outrageous fact with stats to back it up and No he was not talking about Christians being killed for believe it or not blacks can be Christians too

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

In fact when significant numbers of this or that group are slaughtered, the NY Times and a few other papers always report it..perhaps it is a matter of reading the wrong papers if you believe such things are ignored.

Anonymous said...

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Hans Persson said...

Anon @ 10:34

She moved back to a refugee camp where she feels safer. Just try to comprehend what that actually means.