Monday, July 15, 2019

Report: Ousted UK Ambassador Leaked U.S. Intelligence To The Media

Sir Kim Darroch and President Trump

Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner: Ousted UK ambassador leaked US intelligence

Leaked U.K. diplomatic cables critical of President Trump have led Britain’s ambassador, Sir Kim Darroch, to announce his departure from Washington earlier than expected. But the story is not yet concluded.

According to one current and one former U.S. government official speaking on the condition of anonymity, Darroch repeatedly leaked classified U.S. intelligence information, including highly classified information, to a journalist for a U.S.-based media outlet. The sources are consolidated by the reaction my related inquiries have received from other government officials.

These leaks are unrelated to the diplomatic cables which sparked Trump's anger and Darroch's departure.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: According to the above report the information that was leaked was classified at the "Five Eyes" alliance classification level, meaning it was distributed by the U.S. only to Australia, Britain, Canada, and New Zealand. Being the U.K. Ambassador to the U.S., I am sure he had access to this intel. Here is an easy prediction .... I am willing to bet that there is more to this story than what we are being told, and expect more details to come out in the future.


Hans Persson said...

It feels like this is a much bigger story..

Amp1776 said...
