Friday, May 29, 2020

Picture Of The Day

An Atlanta Police car burns as people protest against the death in Minneapolis police custody of African-American man George Floyd, near CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia, May 29, 2020. REUTERS/Dustin Chambers

WNU Editor: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... Protests across America after Minneapolis police killing (Reuters).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George’s Floyd’s preliminary autopsy raises the question: Was this another rush to judgement?

I don't know where to go with this. In law there is the concept of a "soft pate." If you hit/batter someone in the head and they expire, saying that such a hit would not have killed 99.9% of people is no defense. The aggressor should have though of it beforehand. You have to take people as they are and not assume the person you are battering is an average person.

Now Officer Chauvin may not have known that Floyd has hypertension and so was predisposed to respiratory distress. But that still would make liable perhaps under the soft head legal concept.

The officer might have legal immunity of some sort if the person cuffed had an underlying condition. But the optics if nothing else are very bad.

The coroner said that Floyd's trachea was intact and that the officer;s weight did not cause Floyd to cease breathing. I am not sure of that. The weight might have been sufficient to close the trachea without fracturing it or leaving any other sign of injury? I don't know enough medicine to know.

What I also don't know is what if Floyd had been put in the back seat of a squad car handcuffed and he still died. The underlying conditions (2+) and the stress of being arrested and. or cuffed might have been enough to kill Floyd. I find that hard to believe not be asthmatic and not suffering form high blood press or or hypertension, but it could happen(?). Do you just let the guy walks because if you cuff him he will die?