Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Trump Has A +3 Approval Rating In Latest Rasmussen Poll. All Others Say The Opposite. Who Is Right?

WNU Editor: In this post from last week I explained why Rasmussen is right, and the other polls have been engineered to show these results .... Is President Trump's Approval Rating Cratering In His Final Days? My Analysis Of The Polls Says No (January 13, 2021). 


Anonymous said...

George Bush is more dignified than Donald Trump or so the liars one and allm whoi inhabit the press tell us.

These high priests of err and folly spread their received truth that Trump has less than 50% poll ratings and therefore Orange Man Bad.

What they don't tell you is that the supposedly good man. GWB, had lower poll rating leaving office than Trump. That would destroy the received truth.

The truth is the main stream press does everything to crater the popularity of any Republican from the way they word a poll question, to poll weighting to daily, unrelenting propaganda.

Polls explained.

Anonymous said...

so popular that he won a second term

Anonymous said...

He did win. With the vote swapping software, it was stolen.

Why have vote swapping code in election software?

Why erase voting machine software logs?

Why completely wipe the machines?