Wednesday, January 20, 2021

U.S. Presidents And Their Wars

WNU Editor: It has been quite sight to see TV political pundits this morning trying to explain President Trump's success in not starting and/or escalating a war.


Anonymous said...

Trying to explain?

Trying to explain?

They have to tie themselves into rhetorical knots to explain.

They have prevaricated so much before that, if they tell the truth now, they expose their previous multitudinous lies.

So they torture the English language worse than Torquemada could ever do and tie themselves into rhetorical knots.

Mendacious pundits explained.

Anonymous said...

What a list. All the author left out was the dirt clod and orange fight we had in the last remaining speck of old orange grove, less than a 1/4 acre in size. That was in 1963, in once agricultural Downey, CA.