Friday, August 31, 2018

Picture Of The Day

U.S. President Donald Trump sits behind his desk as he announces a bilateral trade agreement with Mexico to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) at the White House. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

WNU Editor: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... Photos of the week (Reuters).


  1. ISIS Makes a Comeback—as President Trump Opts to Stay in Syria

    The White House has reversed course on a planned troop withdrawal and will keep the troops on the ground indefinitely.

  2. Absolutely Repulsive': After $1.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich, Trump Cancels Modest Pay Raise for Federal Workers

    "President Trump pushed through a tax scam that gave unprecedented handouts to billionaires and corporations—but believes it's too expensive to pay hardworking federal workers a reasonable wage."

  3. Anon
    Federal workers are paid 1.3x more than the average wage. Why should they be paid more than the average American? And that does not include pension benefits.

  4. "Absolutely Repulsive': After $1.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich, Trump Cancels Modest Pay Raise for Federal Workers"

    Go Figure: Tax Revenues Climbed $18 Billion In First Month Of GOP Tax Cuts

    Tax Revenues Jump 13% To Record High In April — When Will Dems Admit They Were Wrong About Trump's Tax Cuts?


    - Get sober
    - Take & pass calculus
    - Take some basic psych classes.
    - Take some economics courses.
    - Learn the Laffer curve
    - GTFU

    The only reasons fed workers should get a raise is because of inflation or there is a mismatch between say a government & private comps sci majors.

  5. The Senate's Official Scorekeeper. Says the Republican Tax Plan. Would Add $1 Trillion to the Deficit. Senate Republicans' $1.5 trillion tax cut would not pay for itself, according to a report released on Thursday by the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation.

  6. Why should any workers be paid more than national average? keep up with inflation and keep wage gap from widening

  7. "The Senate's Official Scorekeeper. Says the Republican Tax Plan. Would Add $1 Trillion to the Deficit" -Blah, blah double blah by an idiot.

    You know they have a static score keeping formula?

    God! Some people never learn and never grow up.

  8. "Why should any workers be paid more than national average? keep up with inflation"

    So every worker in the U.S. gets paid more for inflation way more than inflation and then they wonder why there is a trade deficit?


    Every worker gets paid 2% more than inflation and then wonder why others still make more than them.

    In China they taught during the height of communism that unequal pay for unequal jobs was correct.

    Somehow Leftards, leftwingers, wingnuts, Arch-liberals, limousine liberals and other morons
    never got that memo.

    If the Left in America gets their way ...

    - they will kill lots of people.
    - A generation later they will start or still be paying some people more than others.

    Rinse , repeat ... because you can't fix stupid.

  9. Why should any workers be paid more than national average? <- Consider the stupid in that statement

    Lake Wobegon Syndrome: Believing We're All Above Average. Garrison Keillor's fictional Lake Wobegon is that Midwestern enclave where:

    …the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.

  10. Garrison Keillor understood the flawed thinking and so made fun of it.

    But at the end of the day, he rebooted and voted Democrat

    and like so many, many, many Democrats, he was a hypocrite.

    "Investigation Finds Troubling Behavior By Garrison Keillor"

    - NPR

  11. Disapproval of Donald Trump is at a new high, support for the Mueller investigation is broad and half of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll favor Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against the president

  12. Anon,

    Reddit?? Really?

    You know the NYT lost a billion dollars, when they sold the Boston Globe, and is still hurting. The Washington Post is not far behind and yet you quote them.

    You made my day Anon. You remind me of a WW2 veteran recounting a battle with the Germans. Their position was helpless. They came at the American position straight on. They were going to lose and they knew it. Still they came. He said the point of the German attack was to keep the pressure on that part of the American lime so that they could not shift men form his unit on the flank of the bulge to support fellow American units that were at the point of the breakthrough.

    I smell desperation.


  13. "Trump has built a pyramid scheme of public fraud. It's a taxpayer-backed cash grab."

    Mindy Finn, Opinion contributor

    Brought to us by Anon


    like that name. Mindy

  14. Trump Attacks CNN, NY Times And NBC At Indiana Rally
    The FBI arrested a man for threatening to kill Boston Globe journalists the same day as the president’s comments.

  15. I recognize the signature.

    Hello Fred. In addition to learning how to download internet porn, you know how to post anonymously.

    I am happy for you. You have something to do while living in that shitty house of yours.

  16. Nuclear Safety Board Slams Energy Department Plan to Weaken Oversight
    The Trump administration defended an order that could be used to withhold information about nuclear facilities from a federal board, but its leader says the action is not consistent with the U.S. Atomic Energy Act.

  17. "The FBI arrested a man for threatening to kill Boston Globe journalists the same day as the president’s comments."

    Meanwhile thousands of other, sane people chose to not pay for propaganda and defunded the Globe.

    "Boston Globe print circulation plunged during summer print debacle"

    "Getting The Boston Globe delivered will soon cost almost $1,350 a year"

    My bet is that the Globe will fold after 2020.

    Being shadenfeude-ish is so much more delicious than doing thing else. It lasts longer.

    Let the Globe be the Globe. threats only help them. So get out of the way and let them run with scissors.


  18. "Trump’s deal with Mexico will make NAFTA worse"


    We shall see when we get trade deficit numbers.

    Knowing you and that you are innumerate, you will not be able to decompose the numbers into the constituent factors.

    I have a few questions. If you are such a proud Democrat, why did you switch party affiliation?

    What would your neighbors think of your activities?

  19. And Fred confirms that he is posting as Anon.

    He could not help it.

    BTW I did not call you a name. Read the thread.

    You are innumerate. That is an accurate description. You cannot prove otherwise.

    Your house is crappy. That is my opinion. I would have thought you could afford better being a chairman and all.

    Well you are getting a little smarter. You are no longer a registered Denmocrat.

  20. Trump’s Top Targets in the Russia Probe Are Experts in Organized Crime

    Some of President Trump’s favorite targets in the Russia probe have spent their careers in the Justice Department and the FBI investigating organized crime and money laundering, particularly as they pertain to Russia.

  21. "Some of President Trump’s favorite targets in the Russia probe"

    Like Orr?

    That bitch needs to update his OGE 450.

    He should be in jail.

  22. You can look up WHAT A 450 IS FRED.

  23. Orr and his problematic OGE Form 278

    Orr will be arrested along with his wife.

  24. As Summer Ends, the Smoke Around Trump Is Leading to Fire

    The Mueller investigation is heating up and nearly everyone close to the president is running for the exits

    Ps: McCain has died and suspected is ...suspected

  25. Dear Fred (Ex-Democrat),

    "McCain has died ..."

    It was a mere 2 campaign cycles ago.

    The treatment of how McCain was treat and Trump was treated is instructive. The hypocrisy is telling.

  26. From the article Fred posted.

    "'Wow, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr's wife, is a Russia expert who is fluent in Russian,' Trump
    tweeted Thursday morning. 'She worked for Fusion GPS where she was paid a lot. Collusion!'"

    Bruce Orr did not put his wife's job on his OGE 278. It is a clear conflict of interest.

    My predictions:
    - Trump will see to it that Orr is fired to join McCabe, Comey, and others.
    - A liberal will still be harping in Trump
    - Much internet porn will be downloaded by a liberal

  27. The Robert Mueller Probe Nabs Another Foreign Influence Peddler

    Republican lobbyist Sam Patten, who previously worked with the Trump campaign’s data firm, was also questioned by Senate investigators.

    The Ford Focus is dead in the US because of Trump’s trade war

    The Mustang will now be the only non-SUV or truck Ford sells in its home country

    5 Crazy Trump White House Stories No One's Talking About

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. "The Ford Focus is dead in the US because of Trump’s trade war" - Exhausted Blindman

    'Cuz ya know trade deficits out the wazoo as far as the eye can see works every time.'

    Mathematical prove that infinite trade deficits work.

    You cannot.

    But you are proud of you non-mathematical ability. You wallow in your inability to qualify anything with numbers but instead you have to resort to adjectives and adverbs to cover you lack of everything (logic, mathematical ability, economics).

    At least you wear shoes and do not make MESSES on the floor.

  30. Booker a bit upset and continues to foam at the mouth as he sputters girly-ish selfies

  31. "Booker a bit upset and continues to foam at the mouth as he sputters girly-ish selfies"

    - Anon

    That statement speaks volumes about how many marbles you have.

  32. Fred is slowing down. There is his other hobby.

  33. "Absolutely Repulsive': After $1.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich,"

    I get the comment now and see the envy after looking at the crap shack.

  34. Seriously, for being white collar for so long, you have a seriously ugly house. Want to compare square footage?

    It is the same drab color as every other house around.

    Well at least grounds keeping is easy. There is that.

  35. And you have a fireplace so you can burn any incriminating evidence.

    But seriously a ... one car garage?


  36. Arkansas State Senator Jeremy Hutchinson {GOP} Indicted on Wire and Tax Fraud Charges

  37. Republicans Beginning to Abandon Doomed House Candidates

    <a href="The Giuliani's Break Up And Rudy breaks down? How Judi diagnoses her ex’s new “dissembling” condition.</a>

  38. ...Inaugural committee not the campaign

    Try to get grip man.

    Meanwhile we have a known liar Julia Salazar, who is more Jewish than Fred.


  39. Democrats

    "Feds: Indicted Baltimore state senator confessed to taking cash payments"

    "State Senator's Husband Indicted on Sexual Assault Charges"

    "The indictment of Bryon Hefner, the husband of Democratic Sen. Stanley Rosenberg, came months after The Boston Globe reported on allegations that Hefner sexually harassed or abused several men, some of whom had business before the Legislature."

    Do you really want to play a numbers game?

  40. Sir--
    I am posting materials from NOW...not years ago. Why not go back to Pres. Grant scandals?
    We are dealing with your president and his supporters and not with this and that elected official from the past who did bad things...There are admittedly many and from both parties. My posts are mostly about Trumpians and go back to the past and perhaps you can uncover the roots of your problems

  41. Lord you people have too much free time.

  42. Sir--
    "I am posting materials from NOW...not years ago. Why not go back to Pres. Grant scandals?"

    Stuff from January 2018 is not from years a go. It is form this year not Years with an 's'.

    The Massachsetts story is from March 2018. Now Fred, that is also 2018.

    Just saying.

    Maybe your wife can help you get the dates and time line correct like she did a decade or so ago, when you gave your Rutgers interview. You were senile then and you are more senile now.

  43. get a life of your very own, stalking girlie boy
    got a wife? bet not...don't like my oral history? why do you bother to read it? says a lot about you and your needs
    I note that you never affirm anything but merely love to snipe, put down...and that tells readers of this site exactly what you are like. You do not like Liberals (work 5 day week instead of 6? liberals got that for you)ok...but what exactly is it you do like? balanced
    budget? tell us. Trump wall¿ tell us. No health plan whatsoever as Trump seems to favor? Big tax break for your masters ? Tell us. Shit or get off the pot



    these are the sources that Ms Smith finds so compelling and alludes to in her stalking of me

  45. Why did you cut in run Fred?

    What was the term form the Korean War for retreat? bug-out or skedaddle?

    Oh yes, you posted about an obscure state senator that no one heard about. You made hay of it. Just another day of a liberal posting all the stuff he can think of about Democrats.

    So I posted 2 to your 1.

    You lied. You said it was from years ago. I corrected your your math. You lied or you you can't do simple subtraction. Of course in the interview you confused 18 months with 18 years. Which is it, a calculated lie or inability to do math?

    So you do not want to play post the crime of Democrats versus Republicans. So now you act all aggrieved like

    So more Democrats behaving badly.

    3 in fact.

    "Yee, 65, is the third California state senator to face criminal charges this year in separate cases that have cost Democrats a cherished two-thirds legislative majority in an election year and prompted them to cancel a major fundraiser planned for this weekend."

  46. Walk like a Democrat

    Speak Gun Controlese

    Conspire to bring-in guns to the U.S.

    "to get weapons worth up to $2.5 million from a Muslim separatist group in the Philippines to bring them to the US."

    Walk like a Democrat!

    Walk like a 2-faced Democrat!

  47. "Adding to already serious strains in relations with China, U.S. agents have arrested seven people allegedly linked to arms companies run by the Chinese government, charging that they smuggled 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles into the United States."

    Things have not changed

    Meanwhile the innumerate among us can just bleat "Wussia, Wussia, Wussia."

  48. "Trump Attacks CNN, NY Times And NBC At Indiana Rally
    The FBI arrested a man for threatening to kill Boston Globe journalists the same day as the president’s comments."

    And the honest Breitbart news covered it.

    "California Man Arrested for Threats of Violence Against Boston Globe"\

    "Flashback: NBC Smeared Clinton Rape Accuser Juanita Broaddrick as ‘Discredited’"

    There is a reason the main stream news is distrusted.

    Solution? Defund the bastards.


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