Saturday, May 30, 2009

5 Reasons Why This North Korean Crisis Is No Groundhog's Day -- Commentary And Analysis

A South Korean tourist looks at northern side through binoculars on South Korea's western Yeonpyong Island as Chinese fishing boats gather near the disputed sea border with communist North Korea, Saturday, May 30, 2009. North Korea vowed to retaliate if punitive U.N. sanctions are imposed for its latest nuclear test, and U.S. officials said there are new signs Pyongyang may be planning more long-range missile launches. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

From Foreign Policy:

North Korea’s missile and nuclear tests, new threats of war against its declared enemies, and the predictable results of these developments -– expressions of concern at the UN Security Council, U.S. offers of more unconditional talks, China’s ambivalent response –- suggest that we remain in the “Groundhog Day” cycle of crisis and response that has characterized U.S. policy towards Pyongyang since 1994. In fact, new dynamics on the peninsula and in the region, and the fresh opportunity provided by what can now clearly be judged to be years of failed policy on denuclearization and disarmament, present an opportunity for a creative rethink about U.S. policy options. To clarify a way forward, it’s worth considering how the playing field has shifted (I see five ways that it has), and how this may create a different set of possibilities for the United States and our allies vis-à-vis the North Korean regime -– one that breaks decisively from the past and offers real hope for change.

Read more ....

My Comment: A good analysis .... a must read.

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