Saturday, May 30, 2009

Courageous Exploits Of SAS May Never Be Reported

From Times Online:

When the last British combat soldier withdrew from Iraq this week, one of the most fraught campaigns of modern British military history ended.

But for the SAS the story is very different.

As General Sir Richard Dannatt, the Chief of the General Staff, told The Times recently, the exploits of the SAS in Iraq “may stay untold for ever”. But enough details have emerged to provide some insight into what the SAS achieved, and over time their achievements will fill an important chapter in the history of the regiment.

Unlike the Americans, who use the title of “special forces” to embrace thousands of troops, Britain’s version, the SAS and SBS, are relatively few. Efforts to boost numbers have always been resisted to preserve their elite status.

Read more ....

My Comment: Fellow soldiers and their families will always know .... and that's what counts.

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