Friday, June 26, 2009

Afghanistan War News Updates -- June 26, 2009

The Charlie Rose Show - The New Strategy in Afghanistan with
David Kilcullen, David Barno, and Tom Ricks.

War in Afghanistan: 'People Have Lost Interest' -- Politics Daily

Across Afghanistan, the enemy is expanding its operations. Fighting is intensifying, Afghans and Americans are dying – and there are signs that Washington is tiring of war.

Twenty-one U.S. military personnel were killed in Afghanistan so far this month. A new U.S. combat commander acknowledged that things are getting worse – what he called a "reversing trend'' – after Americans have been fighting and dying there for almost eight years.
But during President Obama's midday press conference this week, he never mentioned the war, and only a one reporter shouted out a question about Afghanistan after the press conference had ended. Other than that, no one inquired about the fighting, its conduct, cost, expected duration or "exit strategy.''

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More News On Afghanistan

British troops 'clear Taliban stronghold' -- AFP
Soldiers, two dozen militants killed in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AFP
NATO to start offensive soon in south Afghanistan -- Washington Post
US troops will break Afghan stalemate: UK generals -- AFP
'Shift needed' in Afghan combat -- BBC
NATO on the offensive in Afghanistan: Dutch general -- AFP
Deaths Push Afghan War to the Fore for Germany -- New York Times
US Lawmakers Reject Amendment Calling for an Exit Strategy from Afghanistan -- Voice of America
‘Seeds of Terror’ -- Wall Street Journal
Power of the Poppy -- Wall Street Journal

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