Sunday, June 28, 2009

Arab Security Officials Press For Unified Approach To Fighting Terrorism

From Magharebia:

Fifteen Arab nations participated at a counter-terrorism conference this week in Tunisia. Delegates agreed that global co-operation is needed to fight a global crime.

The 12th Arab Conference for Combating Terrorism concluded Thursday (June 25th) in Tunis with a number of recommendations aimed at enhancing counter-terrorism efforts and promoting co-operation between relevant Arab security bodies.

The two-day conference was organised by the Secretariat General of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers. Delegations from 15 Arab countries and representatives from the League of Arab States, Interpol and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime attended the conference.

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My Comment: Someone's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter. As long as the Arab states support terrorism from groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the many offshoots that they have spun .... their battles against terrorism will always be halfway and incomplete.

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