Friday, June 26, 2009

'Hizbullah Could Hit US Harder Than al-Qaida'

From The Jerusalem Post:

Hizbullah has a greater capability of staging a mass casualty terrorist attack in the US than al-Qaida does, and military action against Iran might trigger exactly that, according to a top counter-terrorism official with the New York police.

"Hizbullah at the strategic level, with its state sponsors, more or less decided not to attack the United States interests directly in the continental United States at all," Deputy Commissioner for Counterterrorism Richard Falkenrath of the New York Police Department told the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs this week. "But our assessment is, if they ever change their minds, they have the capacity to inflict terrible damage on the United States, and I worry about that a lot. We haven't seen it yet, but I don't like to be in a position where our defense lies in the strategic decision of a terrorist organization."

Read more ....

My Comment:
Hizbullah already has the blood of hundreds of Americans .... what is a few more. Their long term objectives have also not changed .... including their commitment to the destruction of Israel.

What makes the present situation more uncertain is the impact that the democracy movement has had in Iran. The past two weeks have been a public humiliation to the spiritual leaders of the country, they have lost both credibility and face. To reassert their authority, the hardliners in the country will do what they have always done in the past .... look for a target abroad to refocus their people on it. Terrorism and/or the threat of war will do just that, and Hezbollah is the perfect tool to be used in such an endeavor.

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