Sunday, June 28, 2009

Honduran President Arrested And Escorted Out Of The Country -- News Updates June 28, 2009

Honduran Military Ousts President Ahead Of Vote -- Yahoo News/AP

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras – Soldiers seized the national palace and flew President Manuel Zelaya into exile Sunday, hours before a disputed constitutional referendum. Congress appointed a successor, but Zelaya, a leftist ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, said he was the victim of an illegal coup.

Hours later, Congress voted to accept what it said was Zelaya's letter of resignation and by a show of hands, voted to appoint congressional President Roberto Micheletti as the new chief executive.

But Zelaya said the letter wasn't his and vowed to remain in power.

Read more ....

More News On Honduras

Coup in Honduras - Correction: This is NOT a coup
-- Fausta's Blog
Honduras Tense After Army Coup -- Wall Street Journal
Honduras supreme court 'ordered army coup' -- The Telegraph
Army overthrows Honduras president -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Honduran military ousts president ahead of vote -- Washington Post
Honduran President Removed in 'Coup' -- AOL
Honduran leader forced into exile -- BBC
Coup in Honduras? -- Christian Science Monitor
Honduras's Zelaya says US helped thwart coup-paper -- Reuters
In pictures: Honduran president ousted -- BBC
FACTBOX: Reaction to coup in Honduras -- Reuters
World reaction: Honduran crisis -- BBC

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