Saturday, June 27, 2009

Iran's Turmoil Opens Rift Among Shiites Across Mideast

Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

From The Wall Street Journal:

Unrest in Iran has opened a theological rift within the Shiite sect of Islam, undermining the Iranian regime's founding dogma that is shared by millions of fellow Shiites across the Middle East.

The concept, known as wilayat al-faqih -- literally "guardianship by a jurist" -- holds that, in an Islamic state, a divinely anointed scholar of Islamic law must exercise unquestioned authority over elected officials and the rest of the government.

Read more ....

My Comment: Bingo .... this Wall Street Journal article pinpoints the great debate that is occurring within the Shiite community today. It is not an Islamic/Shiite reformation (yet), but it is a few steps away from the start of one.

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