Sunday, June 28, 2009

Turks Increasingly Turn To Islamic Extremism

HSBC Bank building and its surrounding area is seen after an
explosion in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday Nov. 20, 2003.

From The L.A. Times:

Al Qaeda's reliance on Arabs is altering as recruits from Turkey and Turkic-speaking areas of Central Asia form a recent wave of trainees, experts say.

Reporting from London -- In an audio message from a hide-out in South Asia this month, an Al Qaeda chief did something new: He sang the praises of an ethnic group that once barely registered in the network.

"We consider the Muslims in Turkey our brothers," said Mustafa Abu Yazid, the network's operations chief. Lauding Turkish suicide bombers killed in recent attacks near the Afghan-Pakistani border, he declared, "This is a pride and honor to the nation of Islam in Turkey, and we ask Allah to accept them amongst the martyrs."

Read more ....

My Comment: It was only a matter of time before this part of the Islamic world started to become radicalized. Now .... we will have to live with it.

As for Turkey's dream of becoming a part of the European Union .... as more news stories like this one come out, expect many Europeans to start feeling even more uncomfortable with any idea of membership.

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