Friday, June 26, 2009

A U.S. General Speculates On What A Ground War With North Korea Will Be Like

US General: Prepare For Terrorist Tactics From North Korea -- The Christian Science Monitor

The commander of US forces in South Korea says the North would likely use roadside bombs and other insurgent strategies in a ground war.

Washington - American forces may have to focus the counterinsurgency skills they have gained in Iraq and Afghanistan on the threat posed by North Korea.

The American general leading US forces in South Korea told the South Korean military this week that "our enemies" are beefing up their guerilla warfare capabilities and would likely use improvised explosive devices and similar tactics if a ground war broke out.

Read more ....

Update: SCENARIOS: Post Kim, how might events unfold in North Korea? -- Reuters

My Comment: I doubt that there will be war with North Korea. If there was, it would have no chance against the combined military might of the U.S. and South Korea, with added assistance from countries like Japan and other allies.

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