Monday, June 29, 2009

USA Should Heed Britain’s Defense Woes

Crew chiefs from the 90th Aircraft Maintenance Unit at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, prepare to launch an F-22 Raptor Sept. 19. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Garrett Hothan)

From New Wars:

Currently the struggle for the soul of the British military is ongoing, what the outgoing Army chief of staff describes as the “horse and tank moment“. Our motherland across the Atlantic isn’t the only nation facing tough defense choices in the next few years, but here in America a struggle is waging for the future course of our military strategy, which will in turn define our national security. The F-22 Raptor battle ongoing between the White House and Congress might be the catalyst of whether we have a force able to defend us from the rising asymmetrical threats facing the nation, or should we plan for future imaginary wars against peer adversaries. Everyone wants reform, but no one wishes to give up a particular pet project, as this recent article from the UK Telegraph “Big guns don’t win today’s wars” reveals:

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My Comment: The previous post clearly reveals the problems within the U.K. Ministry of Defense, and makes this New Wars post all the more relevant.

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