Monday, August 3, 2009

Iran Is Ready To Build An N-Bomb - It Is Just Waiting For The Ayatollah's Order

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

From Times Online:

Iran has perfected the technology to create and detonate a nuclear warhead and is merely awaiting the word from its Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to produce its first bomb, Western intelligence sources have told The Times.

The sources said that Iran completed a research programme to create weaponised uranium in the summer of 2003 and that it could feasibly make a bomb within a year of an order from its Supreme Leader.

A US National Intelligence Estimate two years ago concluded that Iran had ended its nuclear arms research programme in 2003 because of the threat from the American invasion of Iraq. But intelligence sources have told The Times that Tehran had halted the research because it had achieved its aim — to find a way of detonating a warhead that could be launched on its long-range Shehab-3 missiles.

Read more ....

My Comment: After using and expending numerous resources, manpower, and spending billions of dollars .... the Iranians are not going to stop now. Too many people have vested too much in Iran to have such program whither and die. The go ahead will be given .... if not already.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah this entire report seems more like wishful thinking.
    After all- the Iranians knew back about a week after the ivasion of Iraq that America and Britain and co could not invade Iran and hold it in about a million years.

    Iran is totally convinced the West IS going to attack. In their eyes we are going to do whatever Israel tells us to do- hence why they keep saying things like "We are ready to defend ourselves" and that the N Bomb would be used to scare off America...

    Still... Iran WILL get the bomb.
    I think the current focus on Iran is missing the point- we let that horse out of the stable when we allowed Pakistan get the bomb and THEN allowed them sell their technologies not just to Iran but to N. Korea and God knows where else (Syria?).

    Don't get me wrong- Iran with a nuke for me is as about as scary as... well Pakistan with a nuke... (maybe not AS scary)... but sheesh, this reports screams so much of the 'we want you to attack Iran so much we will lie about it' camp. Not saying we shouldn't attack 'em- but all unbiased reports say its actually too late to actually mount a proper attack upon iran now that would stop the N bomb program. Unlike once upon a time when it was possible- now Irans facilities are too wide spread, too deeply hidden and frankly to far advanced to stop it now.

    But we shall see..

