Monday, July 12, 2010

A Look At The U.S. Navy's Future (Maybe)

Navy Weighs Ship's Design, Along With Its Own Future -- Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON—This summer, the Navy expects to choose between two competing designs for the Littoral Combat Ship, a fast, shore-hugging warship that will take on 21st century missions like chasing pirates and intercepting drug smugglers.

At issue is more than a shipbuilding contract. The contest underscores a broad discussion taking place inside and outside the Navy about the future size and shape of the service's fleet.

Read more ....

My Comment: Does the U.S. Navy have the money for such a fleet in 2, 3, 4 years?

The answer is obvious .... NO.

Will Congress and President Obama give it .... the answer is also a big NO.

So why the wish list when financial conditions now (and far in the future) say otherwise .... sighhhh .... I call this "being in denial".

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