Saturday, March 31, 2012

Stunning Post-Apocalyptic Images Of Cities Around The Globe

At World's End: Artists Reveal Stunning Post-Apocalyptic Images Of Cities Around The Globe -- Daily Mail

From New York City to Beijing, a team of artists are shedding light on what the world would be like at the end of humanity.

In Silent World, artists Lucie and Simon have taken the world's most familiar and populous cities and removed all but one or two people to create the illusion of a lonely world.

In the thought-provoking work, places like the normally bustling Times Square and Tiananmen Square appear absent of their crowds.

Read more

My Comment: It does look very creepy.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, actually not impressed.

    Not one bit, to me the images just look like they've been captured during the morning periods or when there is hardly a car in sight. It doesn't have that apocalyptic feel to them in any way shape or form.
