Friday, August 31, 2012

Can We Win In Afghanistan?

U.S. Army Capt. Joseph Driskell, standing, and others engage insurgents with small-arms fire and mortars during a route-clearance operation along Highway 1 in Afghanistan's Ghazni province, July 23, 2012. Driskell commands the 82nd Airborne Division’s Company A, 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team. U.S. Army photo by Capt. Thomas Cieslak

We Will Win In Afghanistan -- James Stavridis, The Guardian

Despite setbacks, the international effort to bring lasting peace and stability to Afghanistan is working

Much has been written in the past week regarding Nato's ongoing efforts to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan. It is clear to me that the coalition of 50 nations with troops in Afghanistan today will face formidable challenges over the next few years. However, there has been measurable and substantial progress in three specific areas.

First and foremost, Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven for terrorists, which was a primary goal of Nato member states. Second, Nato forces in Afghanistan have been training and operating alongside Afghan national security forces (ANSF) for many years now, and these efforts are delivering tangible results. Three-quarters of Afghan citizens now live in areas increasingly protected by Afghan army and police – who number today close to 350,000.

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My Comment:
In the end .... the Afghans must sort out their problems and differences themselves. But in a country that is deeply divided along religious/sectarian/tribal lines .... I am not optimistic that some form of reconciliation can be found.

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