Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Did Facebook Censored U.S. Navy SEALS Posts On Benghazi?

Censored? The SOS post was taken down by Facebook twice... but not before it had been shared online by thousands

Facebook Censors Navy SEALs Who Said Obama Denied Them Backup As Forces Overran Benghazi And Killed U.S. Ambassador -- Daily Mail

* Message was taken down by Facebook TWICE
* SEALS claim it was attempt to 'quietly squelch' opposition to President Obama's alleged failures

A message posted on Facebook by Navy SEALS claiming that President Obama denied them backup as forces overran Benghazi was taken down twice by the social networking site.

The move has stoked accusations that Facebook was censoring the SEALs’ message to ‘quietly squelch opposition’ to President Obama’s alleged failures.

The message contained in a meme suggesting that Obama relied on the SEALS when he wanted to get Osama bin Laden, but then turned round and denied them back up when they called for it in Benghazi.

Read more

Update #1: Facebook Censors Navy SEALs to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate -- Breitbart
Update #2: Did Facebook really censor a political message? -- Techi

My Comment: No mainstream media coverage .... again.

Update: Jonah Goldberg nails it.

1 comment:

  1. The Main Stream Media are the "Dinosaurs Stuck in the Tar Pits of Time".
