Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What Is The Pentagon's Evaluation On Afghanistan's Ability To Defend And Govern Itself

U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Christopher Carey, left, talks with the Afghan National Army sergeant major, center, about ongoing local operations on former Forward Operating Base Shinwar, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, July 6, 2013. Carey, is assigned to the 101st Airborne Division's 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Margaret Taylor

What The Pentagon's Own Report Card Says About Afghanistan -- Popular Mechanics

A new report from the Pentagon evaluates Afghanistan's ability to defend and govern itself once coalition forces withdraw next year. As is usually the case in Afghanistan, there is some good news—but also plenty of bad.

The Good and the Bad

A new Pentagon report details the progress and challenges in Afghanistan as the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) stands on the verge of its 2014 withdrawal. The Congressionally mandated report, 2013 Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan, covers October 2012 to March 2013, the first fighting season that saw Afghans take the lead on security against Taliban remnants, al-Qaida operatives, and the slew of criminal and insurgent groups that fight the government.

As always in Afghanistan, there is positive and negative news. The report's basic takeaway is that the Afghans did not crumble under the responsibility of planning and executing security operations. Yet the overall weakness of the country's central government may hinder the military's ability to hold the insurgents at bay—and to hold the nation together after the U.S.-led coalition leaves next year. Indeed, the report indicates the nation needs continuing money, training, and assistance. Here's the good and the bad presented by the report.

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My Comment: Bottom line .... the central government is weak .... the Afghan army is not ready .... and the Taliban are reasserting themselves in territories that they once controlled.

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