Monday, December 30, 2013

Something To Think About

Assembling B-25 bombers at North American Aviation, Kansas City, Kansas. October 1942. Wikipedia

Interesting ........................

During the 3-1/2 years of World War 2 that started with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945, America produced:

22 aircraft carriers

8 battleships

48 cruisers

349 destroyers

420 destroyer escorts

203 submarines

34 million tons of merchant ships

100,000 fighter aircraft

98,000 bombers

24,000 transport aircraft

58,000 training aircraft

93,000 tanks

257,000 artillery pieces

105,000 mortars

3,000,000 machine guns AND

2,500,000 military trucks

We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, invaded Sicily and Italy , won the battle for the Atlantic, planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and Europe, developed the atomic bomb and ultimately conquered Japan and Germany .

It should be noted that during a similar amount of time the current Federal bureaucracy couldn't build a functioning web site.

WNU Editor
: Hat Tip to Theo Spark


  1. This post is snarkinessat its worst! Dislike Obama if you will. Belittle him if you will. But his team, as you call it, is ending a war in Iraq, windingdown one in Afghanistan. And we have NSA doing what was never before done, like it or not. You do a disservice to those who serve in our military by demeaning what our Defense dept has acomplished.

  2. Year GDP Defense-Spending
    1950 293.7 24.24
    1951 339.3 29.22
    1952 358.3 51.69
    1953 379.3 56.94
    1954 380.4 52.83
    1955 414.7 47.17
    1956 437.4 47.11
    1957 461.1 51.3
    1958 467.2 51.75
    1959 506.6 53.98
    1960 526.4 53.29
    1961 544.8 56.99
    1962 585.7 63.6
    1963 617.8 64.22
    1964 663.6 65.38
    1965 719.1 61.61
    1966 787.7 69.61
    1967 832.4 83.72
    1968 909.8 94.26
    1969 984.4 94.73
    1970 1038.3 94.69
    1971 1126.8 92.8
    1972 1237.9 94.67
    1973 1382.3 92.83
    1974 1499.5 98.43
    1975 1637.7 110.19
    1976 1824.6 114.47
    1977 2030.1 121.62
    1978 2293.8 130.94
    1979 2562.2 143.72
    1980 2788.1 167.88
    1981 3126.8 193.59
    1982 3253.2 221.55
    1983 3534.6 246.57
    1984 3930.9 268.86
    1985 4217.5 295.16
    1986 4460.1 313.83
    1987 4736.4 320.37
    1988 5100.4 330.19
    1989 5482.1 343.14
    1990 5800.5 342.11
    1991 5992.1 320.41
    1992 6342.3 348.65
    1993 6667.4 344.11
    1994 7085.2 336.44
    1995 7414.7 326.56
    1996 7838.5 316.42
    1997 8332.4 325.2
    1998 8793.5 323.28
    1999 9353.5 333.45
    2000 9951.5 358.92
    2001 10286.2 366.53
    2002 10642.3 422.06
    2003 11142.2 483.94
    2004 11853.3 543.95
    2005 12623 601.18
    2006 13377.2 622.13
    2007 14028.7 653.6
    2008 14291.5 730.66
    2009 13973.7 794.91
    2010 14498.9 847.87
    2011 15075.7 879.37
    2012 15684.8 850.73
    2013 16202.7 822.81
    2014 17011.4 832.15
    2015 17936.1 824.58
    2016 18934.2 813
    2017 19980 813.96
    2018 21024.8 816.83
    420611.3 21364.95

    Figures in US$ billion nominal

    After creating US$ 420,611.3 in GDP and spending US$ 21,364.95 in Defense/Military/Veterans United States of America has NOT WON a single WAR since WWII and every one of the military adventure is worse by the day and increasingly genocidal by any measure.

    And then on top of all that 3rd world country like Vietnam has better high school graduates than US in Standardized Tests. And then colored peoples are as apartheid in Africa and Asia as they are in Europe and Americas with more black prisoners in the US alone than all the slaves since the time of biblical Pharaohs?

    And then the US Military fought all these wars for democracy and the empowerment of the people for/against monopoly, oligopoly, fascism, dictatorship, corporatism, capitalism, communism, judaism, monotheism, and er... Miley Cyrus twerking and Kanye West tweeting?

    US Military is the world's largest and most-expensive government-funded Socialism in the History of Mankind.
