Saturday, May 31, 2014

Editor's Note (Updated)

6:00 EST (Thursday May 28, 2014): Blogging will be light for the next few days. Relatives from Russia have flown in to see my 88 year old mother (she is slowly recovering from a bad fall 3 weeks ago), as well as my brother from San Francisco who just arrived late this morning to see her.

Update 8:30 EST (Saturday, May 31): Thankfully .... all of my visitors are going to be gone this Monday evening. It has been a tough few weeks .... but I now see the light at the end of the tunnel where everything will be returning to a normal schedule and I can do what I love to do which is to read/investigate/and post interesting news developments and trends. I must also add that everyone's words of encouragement and support during this time are greatly appreciated .... it is always good to feel that you are not alone. :))

Update 8:35 EST (Saturday, May 31): Eric K. Shinseki's resignation (long overdue), rising U.S. - China tensions (that will only increase with time), Ukraine civil war (I am now calling it a civil war now), the Syrian civil war, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Afghanistan, the NSA surveillance scandal, etc  .... I am definitely looking forward to covering these exciting and global shaking news stories and receiving your feedback which gives me even more juice to do more.


  1. Thank you for covering all the important news. Havent heard that the Chinese-Vietnam dispute have heated up even more, will be glad to read your update. Wish you a good time with your family and hope your mother is well.

  2. Family first best of wishes.

  3. My prayers go to your mother's recovery. May the Lord heal her.

  4. yes I too hope the best for your dear mother

  5. God grant your mom
    complete healing.


  6. Thanks to everyone for your kind comments. We all just got back from the doctor .... 2 months of rest and regular therapy .... and they expect my mom to recover about 95% (or more) of what she was doing in the past.

  7. We got home at 1:30PM And for the first time in years I crashed for a nap in the afternoon. Wow .... I must have been really tired. It is now 16:10 EST .... and I have 11 people to feed for supper (in my spare time I am a chef wannabe).

    And people want to know why I never have enough time. :)

  8. Thats fine,its not wrong to take a nap hope you had a good day.:)

  9. Editor, thank you very much for all your time and efforts.

    Beet wishes for your mother and family.
