Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The U.S. Air Force Is Upgrading The B-52

B-52 Receives First Tech Upgrade Since 1961: Now With color Screens And Wireless Networking -- Extreme Tech

The B-52 Stratofortress, which first entered service as a nuclear deterrent during the Cold War in 1952, has received its first ever technology overhaul. This overhaul, dubbed CONECT, brings the B-52H bomber kicking and screaming into the late 20th century, with a digital intercom system, color displays, a LAN for the plane’s various systems, and other bleeding-edge upgrades. Previously, the B-52H was a mishmash of digital and analog systems, with monochrome displays and targeting systems that had to be manually programmed from pen-and-paper coordinates. You’ll be glad to hear that, like the plane’s original load-out, all of the new systems have been radiation shielded for nuclear apocalypse warfare.

Read more ....

More News On The U.S. Air Force Upgrading The B-52

The B-52 Bomber Is Now A Network Hub With Wings -- Gizmodo
B-52 gets first full IT upgrade since ’60s, now LAN party ready -- Ars Technica
The US Air Force's oldest bomber is now a flying network -- Endgadget
Boeing updates B-52 bombers with CONECT comms system -- Gizmag
B-52 Bomber Gets Its First New Communications System Since the 1960s -- NBC


  1. Typo in your headline. Although it would be awesome if the B-25 WAS being updated, it was a hell of a bomber. Look up what General Kenney and the 9th Army Air Force did with it in the Pacific during WWII.

  2. Thank you for pointing it out to me Trevor. I had just finished talking to a friend on how was I coping with taking care of mother since her fall about three weeks. I told him that everything was going OK and her progress is excellent .... but my biggest beef was that at times my focus was not where it should be. You just made my point.

  3. Don't knock yourself Mr WNU, we all appreciate the amazing job you do for us news junkies day in day out.
    I am sure I can say on behalf of many of your readers that you are our number one source and little things like this are really not an issue for us.

    We are all only human...

    Appreciate there is a lot going on outside of WNU ie.. family & friends in Ukraine, limited blogging on weekends to spend time with the GF and of course your Mum - I'm pleased to hear she is on the mend :)
