Wednesday, May 28, 2014

White House To Investigate How The CIA's Station Chief In Afghanistan Had His Name Revealed To The Media

White House Launches Internal Probe Into Accidental Outing Of CIA Official -- FOX News

The White House has launched an internal probe after its press office inadvertently outed the top CIA official in Afghanistan -- a national security blunder that could put that individual at risk.

A spokeswoman with the National Security Council confirmed to Fox News that the White House chief of staff asked White House Counsel Neil Eggleston to “look into what happened” and make recommendations on “how the administration can improve processes and make sure something like this does not happen again.”

The brief statement from the National Security Council was the first on-the-record comment made by the administration since the CIA official’s name was disclosed over the weekend. The internal review, though, reflects the severity of the error.

Read more ....

Update: White House to review leak of CIA agent's name -- USA Today

My Comment: This is a serious incident .... someone screwed up big time and deserves to be fired.


  1. I maintain this was on purpose.

  2. It's the same modus operandi - create an investigation (this time they're investigating themselves), declare henceforth that they will have no comment on the issue because - you know - it's under investigation. Repeat disclaimers for months until the issue is stonewalled to death, or if a reporter persists, declare that it's a "Fox News story" and dismiss it because it's an old story.

  3. Could not have said it any better Nicholas Darkwater. But I still have some hope. :)

  4. We don't yet know how,
    but it's surely George
    Bush's fault.

