Sunday, July 6, 2014

Warning To All U.S. Bound Travellers - Make Sure Your Cell Phone And Laptop Are Charged

On guard: Western nations have stepped up security at airports after US officials said they were concerned that al Qaeda operatives in Syria and Yemen were developing bombs that could be smuggled onto planes

Airports Facing Chaos After US Declares It Wont Allow Uncharged Cellphones Or Laptops Onto Flights Bound For America... With iPhones And Galaxy's At Top Of The Hit List -- Daily Mail

* The new directive by the TSA affects flights out of Africa, the Middle East and Europe
* The TSA has announced that devices that won't power up will not be allowed on planes
* Owners may have to undergo additional screening at security checkpoints
* American officials are concerned that al-Qaeda has produced new bombs
* iPhones and Galaxy phones are to be singled out for extra attention
* Airports facing chaos over busy holiday period as school's finish

The US has declared that it will not allow mobile phones - especially iPhones and Samsung's Galaxy - onto US bound planes from some airports in Europe, the Middle East and Africa if the devices are not charged.

The new measure, which is bound to cause chaotic scenes at airports around the globe, is part of the US Transportation Security Administration's effort to boost surveillance amid concerns that terrorists are plotting to blow up an airliner.

As part of the increased scrutiny at certain airports, security agents may ask travelers to turn on their electronic devices at checkpoints and if they do not have power, the devices will not be allowed on planes, the TSA said.

Read more ....

My Comment: I come from a time when they provided steel knives and forks when they served you dinner on your flight .... wow .... the times have changed. And people wonder why I feel like a dinosaur sometimes.


  1. Watch out for those little furry things running around your big feet. They're into that new fangled doctrine evolution and can't be trusted.

  2. Mammals, they'll get you dinosaurs one day, just you wait and see!
