Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Al-Qaeda Declares War Against China

Image Credit: Flickr/Andres Perez

Al-Qaeda Declares War On China, Too -- Zachary Keck, The Diplomat

Al-Qaeda has joined the Islamic State in calling for jihad against China for its Uyghur policies.

Al-Qaeda central appears to have joined the Islamic State in calling for jihad against China over its alleged occupation of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

This week, al-Sahab media organization, al-Qaeda’s propaganda arm, released the first issue of its new English-language magazine Resurgence. The magazine has a strong focus on the Asia-Pacific in general, with feature articles on both India and Bangladesh, as well as others on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

However, the first issue also contains an article entitled “10 Facts About East Turkistan,” which refers to the name given to Xinjiang by those who favor independence from China. The ten facts seek to cast Xinjiang as a longtime independent state that has only recently been brutally colonized by Han Chinese, who are determined to obliterate its Islamic heritage.

Read more ....

My Comment: Expect a brutal Chinese crackdown in the coming months .... and this will be their excuse.


  1. All i can say is the chines won't have the same rules and patience the Americans have, if this becomes a mayor issue for China, i expect a brutal response. .

  2. The Red Chinese have a
    presence in all 54 countries
    in Africa. There are
    1M to 2M Red Chinese that
    have migrated to Africa.
    It won't take long for
    al-Qaeda to figure that


  3. China is ruled by an oligarchy and its' Mandate from Heaven is red and many Chinese are nationalistic/patriotic. I would say nationalism is not a bad thing. It depends on what person does vis-a-vis others.

    I would not describe most Chinese as red except to perhaps distinguish their country of origin from Taiwan or something

    Capitalistic might be a better description.

  4. OFS,

    But you are exactly correct about what Al Qaeda will do unfortunately.
