Monday, October 20, 2014

An Analysis On The Ukraine Military

Ukraine soldiers put tape on their arms to identify themselves as comrades in the fight against pro-Russia separatists. (Sergei L. Loiko / Los Angeles Times)

Ukraine Troops Struggle With Nation's Longtime Neglect Of Military -- L.A. Times

Militia commander Yuri Bereza and his 150 Ukrainian irregulars were closing in on pro-Moscow separatists in their last stronghold in this eastern city when Russian troops and armor thundered in out of nowhere to cut them off in the suburb of Ilovaisk.

No satellite or drone surveillance detected the sudden movement of the Russian columns. No word of the impending attack had been radioed from the border guard base the invaders had to have passed. Neither did any of the allied soldiers who were supposed to be bringing up the rear inform Bereza's fighters that they had been cut off. In fact, the 700-strong contingent of government recruits had deserted en masse.

The unit's calls to Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, to say it was surrounded brought promises of a reinforcements, food and ammunition, none of which came to the rescue of the men, who survived on grass and rainwater as they braved five days of incessant sniper fire, "like game at a hunting range," Bereza said bitterly of the battle two months ago.

Read more ....

My Comment: This is a bleak analysis on the Ukraine military .... but my sources are telling me that the structural problems are even worse. But while the focus has been on the military, the real big failure has been political. For some reason the Poroshenko government believed that they could win a war in a region that has a long history of guerrilla warfare and resisting military forces. Throw in Russian forces to complement these local rebel forces .... a disaster was then in the making .... which bore out in August.

1 comment:

  1. Who writes these lies?
    Let me guess...
    An Ashkenazi who clames to be a Jew when the Bible Genesas 10:2 tells us an Ashkenazi can no more be a real Hebrew than a dog can be a horse.

    Yanicovich, the legal President of Ukraine was NOT negotiateing a trade deal with the EU because he was in Putin's pocket. He was NOT pro-Russian. He was pro-EU. It is just the EU deal was so bad and the Russian deal was so good that he took the deal that was best for Ukraine and its oligarchs. Then V. Nuland spent 5 billion on a phony coup and you want to tell me the US did not have a single spy satolite out of the hundreds we have watching what the Russians might do? You must be out of your mind to believe that.

    You want us to believe that 30,000 Russian stormtroopers invaded and the only pics you can show are of 6 waward Russian scouts?

    Too funny!
