Monday, October 27, 2014

Elections In Ukraine -- News Roundup

Ukraine Leader Wins Pro-West Mandate But Wary Of Russia -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Pro-Western parties will dominate Ukraine's parliament after an election handed President Petro Poroshenko a mandate to end a separatist conflict and steer the country further out of Russia's orbit into Europe's mainstream.

Poroshenko held preliminary power-sharing talks with Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk on Monday after their political groups led other pro-Western forces committed to democratic reforms in sweeping pro-Russian forces out of parliament.

"The main task is to quickly form a pro-European coalition for carrying out agreements with the EU," Yatseniuk said at a meeting with election observers.

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Elections In Ukraine -- News Roundup

Ukraine elections: Pro-Western parties set for victory -- BBC
Pro-Europe Parties Dominate Ukraine Vote -- AP
Pro-Europe parties in the lead in Ukraine’s parliamentary vote -- PBS
Ukraine President Claims Win for Pro-West Parties -- NYT
Pro-EU Parties Speed Ukraine Coalition Talks After Win -- Bloomberg
Lavrov: Moscow Recognizes Parliamentary Election Results in Ukraine -- RIA Novosti
Ukraine separatists turn backs on parliament election -- AFP
In Ukraine’s East, Low Voter Turnout in Election Signals Kiev’s Challenges -- WSJ
Ukraine Votes, With More Strife to Come -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

Update: The civil war continues in the eastern part of the country .... Heavy shelling breaks out near Donetsk after Ukraine poll (Deutsche Welle)

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