Tuesday, October 28, 2014

NATO Intercepts Huge Formation Of Russian Military Jets Over The Baltics

A Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter (top) is seen with a British Royal Air Force (RAF) Typhoon fighter as they fly in international airspace near the Baltic States on June 17, 2014. Reuters

German Typhoons Have Intercepted 7 Russian Air Force Combat Planes Over The Baltic Sea Today -- Aviationist

According to the Latvian military, on Oct. 28, the German Air Force Eurofighter jets on QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) at Amari, Estonia, to provide NATO Baltic Air Policing were scrambled to intercept seven Russian Air Force planes flying in international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

The German interceptors identified the Russian planes as a large package, made of attack planes and escort, which included 2x MiG-31 Foxhound, 2x Su-34 Fullback, 1x Su-27 Flanker and 2x Su-24 Fencer jets.

Regardless to whether the Russian aircraft were involved in one of the frequent training missions in the Baltics or were commuting to/from the Russian airfield in Kaliningrad oblast, the package on Oct 28 represents one of the largest “formations” intercepted by NATO fighter planes during the last couple of years.

Read more ....

My Comment: The is becoming the "new normal" .... Nordic, Baltic states face 'new normal' of Russian military threat (Reuters).


Jay Farquharson said...

It's really a sad comment that 7 Russian Strike/Fighter aircraft, are called a "huge" formation.

Unknown said...

Because the Russian jets are in the the wrong territory that's why nato intercepted

Unknown said...

Gee, I always know the slant before I read it.


Aircraft and equipment
- Robinson R44 helicopters - 4
- Antonov An-2 utility aircraft
- Aero L-39C Albatros jet trainer 2

2x MiG-31 Foxhound, 2x Su-34 Fullback, 1x Su-27 Flanker and 2x Su-24 Fencer jets against what the Estonians have is a "BFD" to quote Joe Biden.

Also equipment is bigger and more capable nowadays.The cargo aircraft can left what it to a few to several C-3 to lift. Likewise combat aircraft or more capable.

Unknown said...

lift not left.

And "what it *took* a few"instead of *to*

Jay Farquharson said...

Xavier Hudson,

To quote from above:

"were scrambled to intercept seven Russian Air Force planes flying in international airspace over the Baltic Sea."

War News Updates Editor said...

7 planes now makes a huge formation .... wow .... I remember when strike forces were in the hundreds ... not seven.

Jay Farquharson said...

It was nothing more than hubris to expect that post Cold War Russia was always going to stay down,

Now of course, the EU and The Atlantic Alliance are freaking out, as all that time and effort spent keeping Russia out of the "Club", when it was weaker, has been wasted, as Russia has come to understan it will never be part of the "Club", and has decided to start it's own "Club", with BRIC's.

War News Updates Editor said...

You are 100% right on that one Jay. BRICS and non-U.S./EU countries is where Russia is focusing it's attention right now.

Unknown said...


I think you are right. There is some sort of conspiracy to keep Russia down.

Russia was added to the group from 1998 to 2014, which then became known as the G8.

Russia joined the IMF on June 1, 1992

Russia to join World Trade Organization

Clinton, George Bush and Obama are all in on it. Obama especially is in on it. He has been fighting to expand the military and reduce welfare.