Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pentagon Preparing Quick-Strike Teams For Ebola Response In United States

Military Preps Quick-Strike Team For Ebola Response In United States -- CNN

(CNN) -- The U.S. military is forming a 30-person "quick-strike team" equipped to provide direct treatment to Ebola patients inside the United States, a Defense Department official told CNN's Barbara Starr on Sunday.

A Pentagon spokesman later confirmed portions of the official's information.

The team will be under orders to deploy within 72 hours at any time over the next month, the official said.

The Department of Health and Human Services requested the military team, and the Pentagon has given verbal approval, the official said.

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More News On The Pentagon Preparing Quick-Strike Teams For Ebola Response In United States

Pentagon plans Ebola domestic-response team of medical experts to aid doctors -- Washington Post
Pentagon building rapid-response Ebola team -- USA Today
Military Prepares 30-Person Ebola Team For U.S. -- Time
Pentagon preps Ebola team for response to cases in US -- The Hill
Hagel orders military medical team to train, get ready for quick response to more Ebola cases in US -- FOX News
U.S. military steps in to tackle Ebola: Elite 'strike team' of soldiers and doctors will help deal with any future Ebola cases in America -- Daily Mail
Pentagon Prepares Military Medical Team to Fight With Ebola in US -- RIA Novosti

1 comment:

  1. The military?

    We have FEMA and the CDC why?

    Frieden I understand did good work in NYC combating multi-drug resistant TB and brought the numbers down significantly. This is how he rose to prominence.

    If this is true and not like how some cities bring down their homicide statistics, it was good work.

    I am not impressed with everything else Frieden has done.

    We have the CDC why?
