Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ukrainians Are Growing Weary Of The War

Ukrainian army armoured fighting vehicles and ambulances drive towards the eastern Ukrainian town of Slaviansk May 13, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Yannis Behrakis

Ukraine’s Home Front Grows War Weary -- Anna Nemtsova, Daily Beast

As elections approach on Sunday, so do protests about the government’s neglect of soldiers on the front line.

LVIV, Ukraine—Indifference was what Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines found most painful, and indifference is what provokes their parents, struggling for their rights at home, to mount angry protests.

On a recent afternoon, a group of mothers and fathers blocked three streets around the regional administration building in Lviv, in a part of the country known for its fierce nationalism. They protested against the continuation of the ATO, or the Anti Terrorist Operation, as the war is known in Ukraine. A ceasefire was in effect, but the Ukrainian army was still fighting with pro-Russian separatist forces in the east.

Read more ....

My Comment: You can count me as one of those who is growing weary of this conflict. As to the conflict itself .... the situation in eastern Ukraine is becoming even more dire. Winter is about to start .... and I have been told from more than one source that the Ukrainian soldiers who are deployed there are not ready to confront the cold. Unlike the war weariness of many Ukrainians .... rebel morale is high and many of them want to continue with the fight .... Ukraine rebels dream of New Russia (BBC)

Update: When the Ukraine civil war started I told (and begged) my friends in Ukraine who supported the war that you do not want to get into a fight with these people. It's in their blood, and they are not going to give up until they get what they want. So guess what .... this does not surprise me .... Ukraine rebels end ceasefire before polls (Al Jazeera).

1 comment:

  1. Here is the questions i have now:
    When will the separatists start their offensive to reclaim towns? One of the sources you linked to said that it would start when it`s spring, but I think they will not wait soo long, pernhaps they want to use this fall to attack and reclaim some of the towns and then push for retaking the Luhansk district/region, is this possible or do you think they will wait?
    How is the Ukranian economy now? Since with near war, little changes is there still a risk of economic collapse? Since if the seps start taking towns and sabotaging Ukranian economy will this bring it to collapse? And is this in the interest of the separatists to get the Ukranian economy to collapse?
    If the seps start a offencive now, what will Poroshenko do? Is there a risk of direct war with him sending over half of the army to fight the seps in a massive counter-offensive or is it more likely that he goes on the defencive.
    How strong does the far right stand i western Ukraine? Since i know they are doing bad on the political polls, nut they have police power in Odessa and can to a limited degree use leverage against the Poroshenko goverment. Are they a threat and can they coup the power if the economy collapses in middle of the winter?
