Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why Is The Pentagon's Ebola Protocols Different From Those Being Applied To Civilians?

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is expected to soon decide whether to subject all U.S. troops returning from Ebola response efforts to a "quarantine-like" period.

WH: Army Ebola Policy Not Needed For Civilians -- The Hill

The Army's decision to quarantine soldiers returning from West Africa is related to logistical concerns, meaning that the same protocols would not be appropriate for civilian doctors traveling back to the United States from the region, the White House said Tuesday.

"The science would not back that up," press secretary Josh Earnest said. "In fact, implementing this military policy in a civilian context would only have the effect of hindering our Ebola response by dissuading civilian doctors and nurses from traveling to West Africa to stop the outbreak in its tracks."

On Monday, the Army announced that soldiers returning from West Africa would be held in Italy for three weeks before they would be allowed to travel to bases in the United States or other parts of the world.

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More News On The Pentagon's Ebola Protocols

Hagel considering Ebola quarantine for all troops deployed to West Africa -- The Hill
Hagel to decide if troops will be quarantined -- Army Times
Chuck Hagel Considering New Military-Wide Ebola Policy -- AP
Spokesman: No DoD Decision on Monitoring Returning Troops -- US Department of Defense
Pentagon eyes strict monitoring for troops returning from Ebola effort -- Reuters
Joint Chiefs Urge Quarantine for U.S. Troops Back From West Africa -- WSJ
US Military Leaders: Monitor Troops Returning From Ebola Missions -- VOA
Hagel’s Made ‘No Decision’ on Dempsey’s Ebola Quarantine Recommendations -- PJ Media
Conflicting Ebola guidelines put US defense secretary in a tough spot -- The Guardian

My Comment: The White House and the CDC are saying that quarantines are not necessary for most cases .... while the medical specialists in the Pentagon are saying something different. Talk abut a disconnect and mixed messages. As to who is right .... I know a friend who is an epidemiologist .... he tells me that anyone coming from a hot zone should be quarantined. As he told me .... this is why dogs are quarantined in Hawaii for 120 days and why Hawaii does not have a rabies problem. If applied properly .... quarantines have ALWAYS worked.

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