Monday, July 13, 2015

Burundi's President Faces An Emerging Armed Rebellion As Vote Looms

Reuters: Burundi president's faces emerging armed rebellion as vote looms

Burundi's President Pierre Nkurunziza may find an election victory he is assured of this month swiftly overshadowed by the emergence of an armed insurgency in a nation at the heart of one of Africa's most combustible regions.

After weeks of protests against the president's bid for a third term, a general involved in a failed coup says he is mobilizing troops, grenade attacks echo round the capital and armed clashes have erupted in the north of a nation still scarred by civil war.

"We are heading for trouble," said one senior Western diplomat, warning of a "slide back into a low-level conflict" after ethnically charged fighting ended just a decade ago.

More News On The Growing Armed Rebellion In Burundi

Burundi Military: 31 Suspected Rebels Killed in Fighting -- ABC News/AP
Rebels held, arms seized in Burundi: officials -- AFP
Burundi Claims Rwanda Aiding Rebels -- AllAfrica
Burundi’s Opposition to Boycott Presidential Poll -- VOA
Uganda's president to mediate in Burundi -- News24
Uganda's president to mediate in Burundi as regional alarm grows. -- Channel News Asia

1 comment:

  1. We didn't take care of the LRA and Boko Haram when we had the chance a few years back.

    With central Asia and, north Africa and the middle East being a mess, there is nothing we can do.,. The plate is full. This will get out of control and we will have a conflagration.

    How can the same SOBs take the Serbian president to the Hague for crimes against humanity and bomb Serbia but cannot find a legal justification for taking out the LRA?

    A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich or Slobodan Milošević and yet the same legal community cannot come up with an argument to go after Kony.

    The same community can put R2P in action in Libya but cannot go after Boko Haram.

    There were war crimes in Serbia on both sides. No doubt more on the Serbian side because they had the upper hand. but the war seems to be more about wag the dog and the EU acting like damsel in distress than any policy that is consistently followed by the U.S.
