Monday, July 6, 2015

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Greek Referendum

Costas Milas, George Kyris, James Arvanitakis, Nikos Papastergiadis, Remy Davison, Richard Holden & Ross Buckley, Real Clear Defense: Greece Votes No: Experts Respond

Costas Milas, Professor of Finance, University of Liverpool

Greek voters have confirmed their support for their prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, who now has the extremely challenging task of renegotiating a “better” deal for his country.

Nevertheless, time is very short. Greece’s economic situation is critical. On July 2, Greek banks reportedly had only €500m in cash reserves. This buffer is not even 0.5% of the €120 billion deposits that Greek citizens have to their names. It is only capital controls preventing Greek banks from collapsing under the strain of withdrawal.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Greek Referendum

Greek referendum: full results -- The Guardian
Greek debt crisis: Graphic -- Reuters

What No Means After Greece's Referendum -- Stratfor
Analysis: Greece's 'game of chicken' with creditors continues -- USA Today
Greece debt crisis: Will 'No' vote lead to Grexit? -- Paul Kirby, BBC
Greece votes 'no': Now what? -- Jane Onyanga-Omara, USA TODAY
Greece Debt Crisis: What Happens Now After Bailout Terms Rejected? -- NBC
What's Next, as Greece Stumbles Toward Euro Exit -- David McHugh, AP
Referendum Result Takes Greece, and Eurozone, Into the Unknown -- Stephen Fidler, WSJ
Greece: Here's What Happens Next -- ABC News
Greece Referendum: Now What? -- Charles Crawford
Greek referendum: what happens now after the no vote? -- Jennifer Rankin and Jill Treanor, The Guardian
Greece's vote edges it towards euro exit, but the odyssey is far from over -- Larry Elliott, The Guardian
Greece will struggle to stay in euro -- Hugo Dixon, Reuters
Hope dies last in Greece after defiant 'No' -- Costas Pitas, Reuters
Why Germany won't back down on Greece: Ex-Fed's Fisher -- Tom DiChristopher, CNBC
Greece votes, Germany decides -- Matthew Karnitschnig, Politico
Help Greece Leave the Euro -- Eric Beinhocker, Bloomberg
Greek Referendum Wasn't What You Think -- Marc Champion, Bloomberg
Greece Hits the Self-Destruct Button -- Megan McArdle, Bloomberg
Syriza's lies and empty promises -- C J Polychroniou, Al Jazeera
Greeks Have Voted, Now Kick Them Out -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg
Greece votes No: 'The European Union is dying before our eyes' -- Nigel Farange, The Telegraph
Yanis Varoufakis: why bold, brash Greek finance minister had to go -- Helena Smith, The Guardian
'The Greek bloke’s resigned. He’s run rings round ‘em' -- Simon Goodley, The Guardian
Greece crisis explained: 7 key points on what happens now the Greeks have voted 'No' -- The Independent
Why we voted no: young Greeks on the referendum -- Carmen Fishwic, The Guardian
Why Greece Matters for Everyone -- Rana Forooha, Time
Huge costs of Greece staying in or quitting euro -- Robert Peston Economics editor, BBC

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