Wednesday, July 1, 2015

For Iran The End Of Sanctions Is Worth Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars

Eric Pianin, The Fiscal Times: The end of sanctions is worth hundreds of billions to Iran

Iran’s supreme leader is pressing for an almost immediate lifting of economic sanctions against his country if a final agreement is reached to halt temporarily Tehran’s development of a nuclear weapon – and he’s got reasons.

A combination of tough economic sanctions by the U.S., Europe and the U.N. dating to the U.S.-Iran hostage crisis of 1979 to 1981 have seriously stunted Iran’s economy and frozen literally hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of assets and oil revenues. More recently, the U.N. has slapped Iran with additional sanctions for violating the Nonproliferation Treaty of 1967.

WNU Editor: Iran is already getting a taste on what the end of sanctions may mean .... Iran Repatriates 13 Tons of Gold Under Sanctions Relief (Washington Free Beacon). As for its oil industry .... a hundred billion dollars (if not more) .... Iran eyes $100b of investment in oil industry (Gulf News).

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