Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hillary Clinton Emails From 2009 Released By The U.S. State Department

Daily Mail: Email bombshells from Hillary's secret account show she didn't know when cabinet meetings were held, was dumbfounded by a fax machine and emailed aides to fetch her iced tea

* State Department published a massive tranche of Hillary Clinton's emails Tuesday night from her days as secretary of state
* Judge ordered the release in response to a Freedom Of Information Act lawsuit
* Tuesday's revelation covers barely 3,000 of the 55,000 pages that must go online by the end of the year; 9:00 p.m. release suggested State Department tried to bury it
* Funny moments (Clinton can't work a fax machine) vied with imperious messages (telling aides to fetch her iced tea) and confusing references to someone on her calendar named 'Santa'

Hillary Clinton's emails have been a subject of partisan finger-pointing and hand-wringing since the revelation in April that she had used a private home-brew server to store her messages during the four years she was secretary of state.

On Tuesday the State Department released the first in a series of document-dumps comprising about 3,000 of the 55,000 pages Clinton turned over to State late last year.

WNU Editor: The emails can be seen here .... Here Are the 3,000 Pages of Hillary Clinton’s Emails Just Released by the State Department (National Journal). I have gone through some of it, and she does not look good at all .... in fact .... you have to wonder if she knew what she was doing when she was running the US State Department. And these are the emails that they want us to see .... I can only imagine what was in the emails that were destroyed. But even with all of this news .... people are still giving her gobs and gobs of money .... Hillary Clinton Raises $45 Million for Nominating Fight (NYT). On a side note .... kudos to the Daily Mail for not sugar-coating this story and to report it as is .... when I look at how the main stream media is covering this story (New York Times/AP/Reuters/Politico, etc.) .... you just have to wonder on how deep will they go to protect the Clinton brand.

More News On What U.S. Sec. of State Clinton's Emails Reveal

State Department Releases 3,000 Pages of Hillary Clinton's E-Mails -- Bloomberg
Clinton struggled to fit in with Obama's White House, emails show -- Reuters
New Hillary Clinton emails show expansive role of Sidney Blumenthal -- Politico
Hillary Clinton Emails: Domestic Politics, Image-Tending -- WSJ
Clinton can’t use a fax machine (and other lessons from State Dept. email dump) -- FOX News
Blumenthal gave diplomatic advice to Hillary Clinton as early as 2009, emails show -- FOX News
Proof: Despite Denials, White House Aides Knew about Hillary’s Private E-Mail Account -- NRO
CNN's Paul Begala asked the State Department for talking points on Hillary Clinton -- The Week
5 Strangely Interesting Things We Learned From Hillary Clinton's Emails -- People

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