Monday, July 6, 2015

Iran Nuclear Deal Held Up Over Disputes On Missiles And On The Arms Embargo

Reuters: Disputes over missiles and arms embargo hold up Iran talks

A dispute over U.N. sanctions on Iran's ballistic missile program and a broader arms embargo were among issues holding up a nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers on Monday, the day before their latest self-imposed deadline.

"The Iranians want the ballistic missile sanctions lifted. They say there is no reason to connect it with the nuclear issue, a view that is difficult to accept," one Western official told Reuters. "There's no appetite for that on our part."

Iranian and other Western officials confirmed this view as the foreign ministers of the six powers - Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States - gathered in Vienna to try to strike a deal with Iran by Tuesday night.

WNU Editor: The impression that I am getting is that after acquiescing to Iranian nuclear conditions and demands, the White House wants the Iranians to "give them a bone" to sell to Congress and to their allies that this is a good deal. Not surprising .... if the above Reuters report is to be believed .... the Iranians are not budging. I also expect another extension on these talks even though the U.S. wants a deal within the next 36 hours so that the "Corker amendment' does not kick in where the U.S. Congress will have 60 days to review any Iranian nuclear deal instead of 30 days..

More News On The Iranian Nuclear Talks

Key Issues Unresolved as Iran Nuclear Talks Near Deadline -- VOA
As deadline looms for Iran nuclear deal, Kerry says talks could go either way -- CNN
Iran nuclear talks: John Kerry says 'hard choices' needed -- BBC
Kerry Says Difficult Issues Still to Be Resolved for an Iran Deal -- WSJ
Kerry: Reaching final Iran nuclear deal 'could go either way,' as deadline nears -- FOX News
Kerry Tempers Iran-Deal Optimism as Foreign Ministers Return -- Bloomberg
China Urges U.S.-Iran Compromise 36 Hours to Atomic Deadline -- Bloomberg
With Another Deadline Looming, a Nuclear Deal With Iran Remains Uncertain -- New Yorker


Bob Huntley said...

The Iranians learned well. Obama, the consummate negotiator used a simple tactic in his negotiations with the GOP. It went like this, meet them halfway, then when they come up with new issues, meet them half way again. Continue until whatever is being negotiated bears little resemblance to what it started out to be and then claim a by-partisan victory through negotiation and compromise. In the meantime, nothing was accomplished except that which favoured the GOP.

I thought this was a negotiation between 5 + 1 countries, not Iran and the US.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if u have seen this link Mr WNU...

War News Updates Editor said...

I have not seen this link Anon. It is excellent and i will use it in a later post. Thank you.